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Vivariums: Aquariums, Terrariums

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Planted Aquariums for Aquascapers and Fish Hobbyists.

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Vivarium. A miniature home terrarium.


Two large glass terrariums with plants Vivarium with epoxy-coated plywood walls A vivarium (Latin, literally for "place of life"; plural: vivaria or vivariums) is an area, usually enclosed, for keeping and raising animals or plants for observation or research. Often, a portion of the ecosystem for a particular species is simulated on a smaller scale, with controls for environmental conditions.

A vivarium may be small enough to sit on a desk or table, such as a terrarium or an aquarium, or may be a very large structure, possibly outdoors. In modern literature, the word was not heavily used until a publication called "Vivarium", the first of its kind, was created by Phillipe De Vosjoli in San Diego, California to share information about the keeping of reptiles, amphibians and other terrestrial animals in captivity. Flora and fauna[edit] There are various forms of vivarium, including: Size and materials[edit] Environmental controls[edit] Lighting[edit] Temperature[edit]

Public Aquariums

Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care. My i have no desing skills - APE - Aquatic Plant Enthusiasts. ...actually, if you could somehow manage to keep the hornwort floating in exactly that way, it would mean you were a wizard and I would have to become your disciple and it would be the first aquascape to effectively demonstrate Abstraction and/or Surrealism .

my i have no desing skills - APE - Aquatic Plant Enthusiasts

You would make history! Have a look at the development of this tank,New ADA 60p non CO2, no excel etc, for L046 Zebra plecos - Aquarium Plants This is a low tech tank made of floaters caught in a snag engineered at the top of the tank by cleverly placing driftwood. Perhaps this is where you meant to go with floaters? __________________ "You are much better off with no numbers than meaningless ones. -Micheal S. AquaScaping World Forum. - Sell or buy aquarium equipment and fish in an auction format. Planet Inverts Home .:. Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Crayfish and more. Info: The Betta and the Shrimp. The Betta and the Shrimp With just the singular betta inhabitant, sometimes the average fish tank can seem a little… empty.

Info: The Betta and the Shrimp

Many of us with small tanks often face this dilemma, to tank mate or to not tank mate? In all reality, the greater majority of bettas do not need a companion. But let's face it, a seemingly lonely betta in one tank often makes us want to bring in another living creature to liven up the space. For a small cycled tank, say 1-5 gallons, a snail is often impractical due to it's rather significant bio load. Let me start off by saying, if your tank isn't cycled, is a non planted tank and you are doing those 100% weekly water changes… skip this article, your tank is not made for shrimps. If you are still with me, I am going to presume that your tank has a stable cycle and/or is well planted with good water parameters. Let us explore some common shrimps option available to liven up our tanks. Ghost Shrimp Red Cherry Shrimp One of the many variations of the NeoCaridina.