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YouTube Creators. Presenting the all-new Diamond Play Button at VidCon 2015. Creator Rewards. How to Boost Your YouTube Visibility Social Media Examiner.

YouTube Space NYC - Peeps

Youtube Creator Space. YouTube Creator Academy. What would you do if you were given a large sum of money to start your multimedia career?

That's the question that is on the minds of many up-and-coming YouTube Partners with a growing fanbase and great content. Many of them traveled to New York City to attend the first YouTube Creator Camp after Google provided 25 of them with $35,000 to get a head start on advancing their careers. Plus, they all received $1,000 B&H Gift cards. The content creators first started their tour at the B&H executive officers, where they were treated to breakfast and a special HDSLR training from our experts in one of our conference rooms. Besides breakfast and the $1,000 gift card, each content creator was given a special gift bag put together by our marketing team. Everyone in the Creator Camp is a young adult, and came from different backgrounds. Matt and Gabe both spoke to a very packed conference room of content partners that paid very careful attention. Then, there was the setup for this shot. YouTube certified artist service providers - YouTube Help.

YouTube Creator Tutorials. Live Streaming Basics. Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Explained. The Premium Gaming Network. Not Every Channel, The Best Channels. Fullscreen // The Premier Global Network for Creators and Brands. Beam. Maker Studios. YouTube Certification Program - YouTube Help. Among the many educational programs YouTube offers, such as the YouTube Playbook, the YouTube Creator Spaces, and the recently-launched Creator Academy, the YouTube Certification (beta) training program offers opportunities for professionals to learn channel management best practices to help creators find success on the platform.

YouTube Certification Program - YouTube Help

What it means to be YouTube Certified YouTube Certification exists across several specific subject areas called “certification tracks.” An individual may become YouTube Certified by successfully completing an in-depth training program and passing a final exam to demonstrate expertise. A company ​may become YouTube Certified if a minimum of 3 employees have attended the training program and passed the exam. Company certification is valid for 12 months from date of issue. Note: YouTube does not make any promises or representations about the performance or quality of any YouTube Certified individual or company. Tools. Forefront TV - Videos for the new generation.

Become a Forefront Partner - Forefront TV. Business Networking Part I: Why? Home of the World's Funniest Videos. Upload Subscription preferences Loading...

Home of the World's Funniest Videos

Working... 2M Media | Home of the World's Funniest Videos Featured Channels WorldsFuzziestVideos. GTChannel. 3 Key Elements To Making Money Online. Youtube Social Media Advertising, Marketing Tools And Optimization Services. Space Los Angeles. The YouTube Nonprofit Program. Virool Overview. YouTube. InVideo Programming - YouTube Help. Groups. Featured Channels & Related Channels - YouTube Help. Viral Video, YouTube Views, Video Promotion - Virool Blog. This Christmas we decided to highlight some of our favorite videos that were promoted on Virool.

We were impressed with amount of Holiday related videos our advertisers were promoting and it was tough to select these top 10. Besides being highlighted on our blog, the creators of all these top 10 videos will also get free Virool credits that they can use to further promote these videos or their future videos. The first 7 places will each receive worth $100 of Virool credits, 3rd place will get $250, 2nd – $500 and 1st place – $1000 worth of Virool credits . Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy New Year! In the best Holiday spirit, please enjoy these videos: 10. It feels like no matter where you are in the world, every country seems to have a host and celebrities giving concerts on Christmas and New Years Eves. 9. This country song is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. 8) Family Canvas, what a perfect gift for all! 7) Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmastime Parade at Disney World Wow! Welcome to YouTube Space LA. YouTube Video Optimization – The Complete Guide.

Many people say that content is king and I agree to a large degree but for real success on YouTube specifically, you need to know how to optimise for the platform to get the best results.

YouTube Video Optimization – The Complete Guide

I believe, and you can quote me on this, an average video with great metadata will always out-perform a great video with average metadata – Tweet this My advice is to have great content and great metadata and this resource will show you how to make sure you have the best possible Metadata. Optimizing the various facets of your YouTube videos is a two-fold process: Firstly you should be proactive and undertake the practices pointed out here in the guides that I’ve created for all of your new videos.

Secondly, use the lessons learned and apply the strategies to videos that have already been published. Get More YouTube Views For Your Old Videos. This question comes from @salemiscreative via twitter.

Get More YouTube Views For Your Old Videos

Do you have any advice about how to get an old popular video that is stale more attention? The freshness of a video is a huge ranking factor for the YouTube algorithm and because of this it can be easy to get hung up on your latest video. There’s nothing wrong with this but if your latest video is your only focus you’re in trouble. Yes you should be heavily promoting your newest creation but it’s worth remembering that the bulk of your channel views come from your older videos via Suggested Videos and Search.