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Amazing Poetry

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You Didn’t Know Me. I thought our love was eternal I thought our love was forever then I had a dream where you no longer knew me.

You Didn’t Know Me

Schooled. This poem is inspired by my time at MSU as well as that of my friends and colleagues.


I’ve learned that difference can be a tangible obstacle. Yet, on the other side of the fear of the unfamiliar, there are great things. I dedicate myself to celebrating what makes each of us different and using that difference as a tool to create, educate and travel the world. —William T. Langford IV MSU alumnus, 2011. One Hot Minute with Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai. Spoken Word: "Poem for Sean Bell" Kelly Tsai (3X Def Poet) Words with Poet Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai. HBO Interview: "East of Main Street: Asians Aloud" Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai (3x HBO Def Poet)

A Pastor's Poetry

God's Light. Propaganda - Dare 2 Share Blaze Evangelism Youth Conference Tour. The Gospel In Four Minutes. Spoken Word - Look It Up Kid. "women" (spoken word poetry) 10 Things I Want To Say To A Black Woman by Joshua Bennett. Empowerment by Propaganda. Sarah Kay - For My Daughter (Awesome Spoken Word) A Beautiful Woman. 13-year-old kid - AMAZING slam poet - Tourettes Without Regrets - 9/3/09. Mere Man. Spoken Word Poetry "Put Your Guns Down" Ben Falealili. Spoken Word Poetry "Phenomenal Woman" Brave New Voices Thinking About You.