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Gamification-miser-ludique-accrocher-consommateurs--F.jpg (Image JPEG, 648x1396 pixels) - Redimensionnée (47%) La Gamifications’invite dans la campagne présidentielle. Les candidats à la présidence française ne connaissent pas le Web. Cela se lit dans leurs programmes mais surtout sur leurs sites web, ainsi on se souvient du magnifique « Désirs d’avenir » de Ségolène Royale ou de l’ambitieux site de Dominique de Villepin qui reprenait le template d’un site de pompes funèbres. En début de semaine, François Bayrou a pris l’initiative de dynamiser son site web de campagne pour augmenter l’implication des internautes qui soutiennent son mouvement. Cette refonte semble être passée par la case gamification, qu’en est-il vraiment ? La page "gamification" du site de Un site qui reprend tous les stéréotypes de la gamification Comme le montre l’image ci-dessous, tous les ingrédients d’une gamification basique sont réunis : badges, classements, missions, points d’expériences… Le pack est là.

Les missions proposés Mais un système creux de pointification En effet l’enveloppe est là, mais où est l’expérience ludique ? Et des fonctionnalités sociales limitées. La Gamifications’invite dans la campagne présidentielle. Candidats à l'Elysée et gamification. La grande question que se posent les communicants politiques quant à la campagne présidentielle de 2012 porte bien évidemment sur la manière d’investir et d’optimiser la présence de leur favori sur les médias sociaux.

La grande question que se posent les communicants politiques quant à la campagne présidentielle de 2012 porte bien évidemment sur la manière d’investir et d’optimiser la présence de leur favori sur les médias sociaux. Avec un taux de pénétration et une puissance de diffusion incroyables, Facebook et YouTube ont en effet de quoi faire de l’ombre aux supports médiatiques traditionnels.

Certains me diront que l’étendue de leurs cibles n’est pas comparable. En s’attardant sur les chiffres, force est de constater que Facebook ne touche pas qu’un public d’adolescents et de pré-adultes. En effet alors que les 18/24 ans représentent 25% des inscrits en France, les 25-34 eux occupent 26% des places et les 35-44 ans 16%. Mais là n’est pas le sujet.

Gamification Changes the Nonprofit World in 2012. While it is no secret that social gaming is become increasingly influential in the commercial world, its exact level of impact as a revenue and awareness building tool is genuinely impressive. Referred to as “gamification,” the practice of creating social games to engage an audience and reward contributors is helping businesses across the globe to make money and reach a wider range of consumers. This trend is even more prominent in the nonprofit sector, where there are a growing number of social gaming platforms that aim to effect real world change. With a huge percentage of social media users set to play at least one social game regularly during 2012, charities are adopting innovative gaming patterns and techniques to incentivize giving and donor participation on behalf of their cause.

So what are the most popular nonprofit gaming platforms, and how are they achieving their goals? Grantoo: Joining People and Brands Together in Responsible Giving Related Posts. Gamification: Convert Your Traffic Into Loyal Readers. So, you’re a website owner with several thousands of visitors monthly. Quite possibly you have asked yourself “how do I make my readers interact more on my website?” The answer? It could be through the use of gamification. Your website has a lot of traffic but only a few people are actively engage on it?

Do you want to convert traffic into an active community? Do you want to make your website more fun? Why not gamify it? I mean, convert your website into a game! Do You have a Big Audience but little User Interaction? “I have tens of thousands of visitors but there are only 10 regular commenters”“Among my several thousand visitors no one clicks the Like button :(““I have the means to make big changes on my website and try things out!” If you find yourself relating to any of the above statements about your high-traffic website, then something is definitely wrong! I regularly visit several websites that have thousands of very loyal readers, many of whom came for entertainment. Nope? Badgeville. Gamification in Blood Donation | Plasma Donation! Enter the 'money for blood' world. Gamification is a business term which refers to the application of gaming elements in non-gaming settings.

Its primary goal is to make of game mechanics such as points, badges, challenges, level of difficulty in an effort to encourage people to act and boost customer participation. Positive reinforcement is the fundamental and psychological principle in gamification. It either gives an incentive to those who receive less or increase the ongoing incentive. Some popular business corporations that gamified their marketing campaign are Nike, Coca-cola, Chase and eBay. Nick Pelling was the one who coined the term in March 2004. The term went viral six years later. The year was 2010 when it was used by entrepreneurs and managers worldwide to achieve desirable engagements on the website they are promoting. Gamification & Blood Donation “About 17% of non-donors have never thought of donating,” this is what the stat says. To solve the crisis, the techniques in gamification need to be applied. Gamification: A Primer for Nonprofits. By Alessandro Mazzega, Communication Manager, and DarkWave Games The process of gamification involves the integration of typical game components into websites, online communities, content portals, or in general, other non-gaming contexts.

There are two different concepts to be considered during the gamification process: game-mechanics and game-dynamics. Game mechanics are the tools needed to create the gamification infrastructure that lies under any game.Game dynamics represent the human needs and desires that are inherently in every one of us and can be satisfied through game-mechanics. Game-mechanics have evolved over the years, advancing with the recent innovations in the game design discipline. The basic game-mechanics are points, levels, challenges, virtual goods, and leaderboards. Every game-mechanic is tightly tied to and fulfills a different game-dynamic, but also influences others in a minor way. How gamification is changing health promotion campaigns | Redbird Communications. Gamification—applying game incentives such as prompts, competition, badges, and rewards to ordinary activities—is exploding. Consider that the population of CityVille, the social city-building Facebook app, reached 100 million users in just 42 days—a virtual population that is seven times larger than Shanghai, the world’s largest city.

Facebook has over 500 million members (which means that one in every 13 persons on Earth is a member). And according to 2011 statistics , 250 million Facebook members log in every day. More than half (53%) of Facebook users play social games. Corporations and innovative health care campaigns have also taken notice. By 2015, more than 50 percent of organizations will include gamification into their customer retention strategies, says Gartner, Inc. By 2014, Gartner also predicts that 70 percent of Global 2000 organizations will have at least one gamified application. So what is gamification exactly? Why gamification works: the psychology behind social games.