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Love and Marriage (10 pics) If there was one couple who could show us the ups and downs of relationships it would be Thad and Sarah Lawrence.

Love and Marriage (10 pics)

Using Photoshop, they've created a hilarious set of photos that include everything from Sarah vacuuming her husband to lighting him on fire. Their imaginative photos take us on a wild journey, making us remember the passionate emotions that come with love. Inspired by Flickr's 365 series, Thad and Sarah have created their own set. As Thad states, "We wanted to document all the changes that may have taken place, whether it be our hair, clothes, where we lived, where we travel - to be able to say that we have physical documentation of a whole year of our lives is amazing. Doing it together is often what makes it so fun. " Unforgettable Moments Captured. Beautifully Offbeat Photography (13 photos) Samuel Bradley's photos cannot be neatly categorized.

Beautifully Offbeat Photography (13 photos)

Wonderfully offbeat and somewhat quirky, they truly span the spectrum. As he tells us, "I'm battling with two different ways of working and I don't know which one I prefer. I think most people follow my work and blog for the more quirky, interestingly processed and sometimes a bit 'cliché vintage' photographs. A.y. - just so beautiful pictures ...oO°

2430 2818 553 333 1249 2167 805 872 1792 452 20 394 281 1124 498 133 1333 602 330 1015 847 1289 946 272 686 1689 612 2631 2414 907 623 311 835 272 1705 1131MSNERDS - Myspace Layouts, Default Layouts, Skinny Layouts, Skinny Defaults, Double Background, Bulletin Surveys, Music Skins, Comment Boxes, Page Graphics, Drop Down Menus.

a.y. - just so beautiful pictures ...oO°