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Erin Recipe Box (Pg. 1) - (10170395) The Diverse Israeli Table - Part 1- The Middle Eas. Fruited Beef 1/4 kg. dried prunes, pitted1/4 kg. dried apples1/4 kg. dried apricots1 kg. beef for stewing3 Tbsp. olive or corn oil1 Tbsp. each sugar and cinnamon1 tsp. black pepper1/2 tsp. salt75 ml. tomato puree4 cups boiled white rice, for serving In separate bowls, soak each of the dried fruits in water for 2 hours.

Drain well. Cut the meat into cubes about 1" (2 1/2 cm.) square. In a heavy skillet, heat the oil and saute the meat until browned on all sides. Lentils with Spinach and Lemon 1/4 kg. lentils, well washed 1/4 cup olive oil1 large onion, sliced3 - 4 cloves garlic, chopped finely2 Tbs. fresh coriander, chopped300 gr. spinach leaves, well picked over and chopped2 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced1/4 cup lemon juice (or more, to taste) Place the lentils in a saucepan and cover with water. Heat the oil in a large casserole and brown the onion.

Mint Wafers 2 cups sugar1/4 cup milk* 1/4 cup maple or light corn syrup1/4 tsp. cream of tartarabout 10 drops oil of peppermint Pecan Soup. Healthy Recipe Finder - Healthy Recipe Search. Over 100 Quick and Easy Healthy Foods. Swisskaese's Photostream. Jewish Sabbath Dinners - Shabbat Rituals Menus Recipes - Friday Night Dinner. Retete vegetariene stricte (vegane)/de post, dietetice si raw. Vegan Soup Recipes - warming, healthy and simple cooking. Back to recipe categories Cream of Tomato Soup Ingredients: 2 tins of plum tomatoes about a cup of water (rinse out tins with it) 1 onion 5 cloves of garlic 2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped 1 or 2 handfuls of cashew nutsasalt to taste Place the tomatoes and water in a pan and bring to the boil, adding the onion, sweet potato and garlic as it heats. Once it boils, turn down to a simmer for 10-15 minutes, until potatoes are soft.

If your blender is not very strong, try soaking the cashews in water overnight to soften them before using. Miso Noodle Soup Makes a good six bowls – a nutritious, easily digested soup. Bring the water to the boil as you prepare and add the vegetables and noodles. Pictured soup has the inclusion of Sea Spaghetti and is garnished with radish and parsley. Tomato, Lentil and Vegetable Soup Place the lentils in a large pan and cover with water.

Vegan “Chicken” Noodle Soup Place all the vegetables except sweetcorn in a large pan and cover with water. Lurgy Soup. Forum - Eu aveam in gand sa fac un subiect ca asta de anul trecut, da' mi-am zis ca poate ma ia lumea de nebuna. Daca stiam pozam ca de o saptamana tot "ramadanim" da' ramadanu ramadan incepe pe 13 septembrie. Otti deci faza e ca te obisnuiesti, nu-i greu, eu cunosc frantuzoaice care n-au nimic de-a face cu islamul da' cand le vad pe fetele arabe ca postesc atunci postesc si ele cica "de curiozitate" sau "din solidaritate" da da si pe la sfarsitu' ramadanului vin la mosqu sa se converteasca (sau peste ani de zile). Hai mey va jur ca-i veselie mare, chiar daca unii se intreaba ce veselie poate avea o zi cand postesti ... da' se simte o bucurie in toate casele. seara cand bate gongul toc toc la usa, cine-i ?

Vecina de la 12 mi-a adus paine, maine vecina de la 14 mi-a adus prajituri, poimaine vecina de la 3 mi-a adus supa etc. e ca la Craciun da' aici tine o luna de zile. bine, obiceiuri sunt cat lumea da' am sa va povestesc pe parcurs, in fiecare zi o poveste. Recipes. Our Family Recipes | More Than Gourmet. Retete arabesti. Quote:Originally posted by monica-elizabet ...asa ca-mi place sa fie mai multa decat nautul dar chiar fetelor fate cu carne cum se face? Se adauga pur si simplu carne, fiarta sau prajita sau cum? Fatteh cu pui 200 gr.piept de pui dezosat taiat in bucatele, lipie arabeasca (lipie), tahina (ulei de susan), 500 gr. iaurt, usturoi pisat, boia de ardei iute, condimente pt. pui, lamiie, 2-3 linguri ulei de masline Bucatelele de pui se fierb in apa cu condimente (piper, foi de dafin, boia, curry), intre timp piinea se rupe bucatele mici si se prajeste foarte putin in ulei.

Pentru sos: se amesteca iaurtul cu 2-3 linguri de tahina (ulei de susan)cu usturoiul si lamiie dupa gust. Se asaza piinea prajita pe un platou, peste ea se pune puiul si peste pui se aseaza sosul. Cu rabdare si perseverenta nimic nu e imposibil.