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Beer. The Webtender: Drinking Games. Have fun with The Webtender's collection of drinking games, but be extremely careful if you play any these games, especially the ones with high buzz factors. The collection was created as an aid to responsible adults who know their limits (and not to cross them) when it comes to drinking, and not to promote this kind of drinking behavior. You should of course be of legal drinking age if you want to play these games with beer or drinks, but anyone can play these games with non-alcoholic beverages as well. For more fun, visit the Web Site Index and go to one of the sites listed there. You should also take a look at 'The Complete Book of Beer Drinking Games'.

Home · Drink Recipes · Forums · Bookstore · Barstore · Web Index · Feedback. ShotCarver Transforms Fruit Into Evil Booze Holder. Poo bum dickie. 21, Bagram, or Twenty Plus One is a drinking game. The game progresses by counting up from 1 to 21, with the player who calls "21" suffering a drinking penalty before the next round starts. The loser may add one new rule to the game, and starts the new round. Players are arranged in a circle, facing inwards. The game begins with one player calling the direction of play by saying, "I propose a game of XXXX! "I propose a game of 21!

"" As the game progresses, each player in turn must recite one to three numbers, counting in sequence from where the previous player left off: Saying one number (e.g. If a player makes a mistake, then they suffer a small to moderate drinking penalty (e.g. 2 fingers of drink) and then restart the game from 1. Hesitating to continue the game.Calling the wrong number.Calling a number out of turn.Breaching any original or instated rule. Assuming there are no mistakes, the game will continue in sequence up to 21. Variations on the standard rules include: Best Party Themes Ever. 1. CEOs & Corporate Hos Try to please your boss before he gets a chance to say “You’re Fired!”

Or be the boss and have your guests try to please you all night. Guys can take an old tie and rock out the black briefcases; girls can dress up as sexy secretaries – or vice versa! 2. 5. 6. aMAZE-ment For this party you will need a lot of refrigerator boxes that you will set up and duct tape as a giant house maze for your guests to crawl through. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. ‘80s Party Sure it’s been done, but that’s because ‘80s parties really are totally awesome. 32. Bring Spring Break to your house and decorate with inflatable pools, tiki torches and lots of sand (if you have an outdoor area). 33. 35.

Bookmark with: College Party Themes. Whether you are in college or not, it doesn't really matter, everyone likes to party every now and then. Partying can be even more entertaining when you dress up or have a themed party. Nobody says the only time you get to dress up is on Halloween. A themed party brings a certain cool and fun vibe to any gathering and allows us to be a kid again, as well as enable us to show off our creativity and sense of humor. A themed party will relax people's comfort zones and help them not take life so seriously and stressful. Even a shy person can really come out of their shell at a costume party because they feel that they fit in to the environment. One issue that comes across in a costume party is encouraging those who don't want to dress up.

Party Theme Ideas Graffiti Party - This is where everyone brings a marker and wears white shirts and writes on each other. Non-costume party themes: Looking for a costume for an upcoming theme party? Also see: Best Drinking Games Top Party Schools.

Blacklight party

The Webtender: Drinking Games.