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Nick Land – An Experiment in Inhumanism. According to the present-day Nick Land, the person who wrote the following texts no longer exists.

Nick Land – An Experiment in Inhumanism

Yet for anyone who knew him, it is difficult to speak about these works without recalling Land as he was then. Not because one wishes to promote a personality cult around Land (something he himself was accused of at the time), but to emphasize that they are the residuum of a series of experiments. Why is the NSA grabbing all your private data? Snowden revealed to the world that the NSA was systematically spying on all of us.

Why is the NSA grabbing all your private data?

Maybe more critically, we have learned that the NSA is spying on all American citizens. In fact, the NSA is even spying on its own congress. This spying violates the US constitution. Internet Archive’s virtual reading room empowers data mining on a societal scale. Knight Foundation supports the Internet Archive to improve the world’s access to a vast trove of information.

Internet Archive’s virtual reading room empowers data mining on a societal scale

Below, Roger Macdonald, director of the Television Archive initiative, and Kalev Leetaru, a data scientist currently the Yahoo Fellow at Georgetown University, write about their recent collaboration. Above: Mapping 400,000 hours of U.S. TV news. The servers of the Internet Archive house one of the largest publicly accessible digital archives of human society; it spans nearly every medium from Web pages to software. Thanks to the support of Knight Foundation, the archive’s latest addition is a research library of nearly half a million hours of American television news broadcasts aired over the last four years. Notes from a chaotic world. Impressions, expressions, réflexions etc. autour et en marge du 30e Chaos Communication Congress (30C3) à Hambourg (Allemagne, Terre, Voix lactée), du 27 au 30 décembre 2013.

Notes from a chaotic world

Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt. On the 23 of June, 2011 a secret five hour meeting took place between WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who was under house arrest in rural UK at the time and Google CEO Eric Schmidt.

Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt

Also in attendance was Jared Cohen, a former Secretary of State advisor to Hillary Clinton, Scott Malcomson, Director of Speechwriting for Ambassador Susan Rice at the US State Department and current Communications Director of the International Crisis Group, and Lisa Shields, Vice President of the Council on Foreign Relations. Schmidt and Cohen requested the meeting, they said, to discuss ideas for "The New Digital World", their forthcoming book to be published on April 23, 2013. We provide here a verbatim transcript of the majority of the meeting; a close reading, particularly of the latter half, is revealing. You can download the recording here (ogg) Well do you want us to start eating?

So this is... what's the date? ...June 23rd. ...Lisa Shields. Poietic Generator. The Poietic Generator is a social network game designed by Olivier Auber[1] in 1986, and developed from 1987 under the label free art thanks to many contributors.[2] The game takes place within a two-dimensional matrix in the tradition of board games and its principle is similar to both Conway's Game of Life and the surrealists' Exquisite corpse.

Poietic Generator

However, it differs from these models in several respects. It is not an algorithm like Conway's, but human players who control in real-time the graphic elements of a global matrix, on the basis of one unit per person. Unlike the exquisite corpse in which there are always hidden parts, here all the players' actions are visible at all times by each of them. Unlike board games, there is no concept of winning or losing, the goal of the game is simply to collectively draw recognizable forms and to observe how we create them together.

Rules of the game[edit] A Book of Experimental Maps Designed to Get You Lost. COMPIEGNE 60200 - Agence de-la-haye-et-callebaut. Bienvenue C'est avec plaisir que mon équipe et moi-même, nous vous accueillons dans notre agence de Compiègne.

COMPIEGNE 60200 - Agence de-la-haye-et-callebaut

Nous sommes à votre disposition pour répondre à tous vos besoins d'assurance. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail. Nouveaux Changements de l’Algorithme de Facebook : l’Importance des Liens. Et Facebook inventa le Robocopyright "social"… 3 décembre 2013 : alors que nos libertés numériques partent déjà bien en lambeaux, Facebook s’est vu accorder un brevet sur un dispositif de contrôle des contenus circulant sur un réseau social qui fait littéralement froid dans le dos, en mélangeant allègrement le Copyright Madness, Big Brother et Minority Report.

Et Facebook inventa le Robocopyright "social"…

C’est le site TorrentFreaks qui explique que Facebook a déposé un brevet sur une méthode permettant d’utiliser les informations de profils d’utilisateurs et des "signes sociaux" pour déterminer si des contenus partagés sont piratés ou non. Les données mises à contribution pour réaliser ces analyses incluent les centres d’intérêt déclarés par les membres du réseau, leur localisation géographique et leurs relations sociales. Mais Facebook franchit cette fois un pas de plus vers la dystopie, car il ne s’agit plus de marquer les contenus, mais les utilisateurs eux-mêmes, en les profilant selon leur "propension à pirater". En quoi les Big Data sont-elles personnelles. A l’occasion du colloque “la politique des données personnelles : Big Data ou contrôle individuel “ organisé par l’Institut des systèmes complexes et l’Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon qui se tenait le 21 novembre dernier, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye (@yvesalexandre) était venu présenter ses travaux, et à travers lui, ceux du MediaLab sur ce sujet (Cf.

En quoi les Big Data sont-elles personnelles

“D’autres outils et règles pour mieux contrôler les données” ). Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye est doctorant au MIT. Il travaille au laboratoire de dynamique humaine du Media Lab, aux côtés de Sandy Pentland, dont nous avons plusieurs fois fait part des travaux. FTN books - About Us. Fifteen years on—and we’re just getting started.

Google Search is turning 15.

Fifteen years on—and we’re just getting started

Remember what it was like to search in 1998?