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Music Animation Machine MIDI Player. Home | Site Map | Watch | FAQ | History | Store | Contact Read (or right-click to download) the latest (2010jan28) User Guide. Download latest release: 2006aug19 Release 035 added Note start line option (in View menu) With this program you can listen to your own MIDI files (or play live) while viewing these visualizations: Original bar-graph (short name: MAM) Circle of fifths color wheel (short name: WHEEL) Interval types (short name: DYAD) Interval types + pitch (short name: YARN) Shapes (short name: SHAPES) Harmonic staff (short name: STAFF) Harmonic compass (short name: COMPASS) Harmonic compass + pitch bars Triads (short name: LATTICE) Part sequence (short name: LINES) Part motion (short name: BALLS) Part trajectory (short name: WEDGES) At this point, the program is too simple to need an installer.

Just take it out of the ZIP file and run it. Open a MIDI file (or a MAMX file; see below); press the space bar. See what happens. Explore the menus. Here are some MAM-format files (*.MAMX) to try it with: Elvis Presley - O início de uma lenda. Music General. MUSIC SITES. MUSICAL CULT CONTROL: THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION’S WAR ON CONSCIOUSNESS THROUGH THE IMPOSITION OF A=44OHZ STANDARD TUNING  Abstract This article details events in musical history that are central to understanding and treating modern psychopathology, social aggression, political corruption, genetic dysfunction, and cross-cultural degeneration of traditional values risking life on earth. This history concerns A=440Hz “standard tuning,” and the Rockefeller Foundation’s military commercialization of music. The monopolization of the music industry features this imposed frequency that is “herding” populations into greater aggression, psychosocial agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illnesses and financial impositions profiting the agents, agencies, and companies engaged in the monopoly.

Alternatively, the most natural, instinctively attractive, A=444Hz (C5=528Hz) frequency that is most vividly displayed botanically has been suppressed. Introduction Contrary to popular opinion, the most powerful “hard” science influencing society, politics, and economics is behavioral science. Online Music Software. ♫ Tony-b Machine ♫ Online Violin Tuner - Use this free online violin tuner to tune your violin. This is for the standard GDAE violin tuning. Use the tuning pegs at the top of the violin to get close to the correct tone, and then use the fine tuners on the tail piece to do the fine tuning. The image on the right shows the notes for each string and also shows where the fine tuners are located. If you want to tune your violin using alternate violin tunings, check out our new Online Violin Tuner which allows you to change the pitch for each string.

For other methods on how to tune your violin go to our How to Tune the Violin page. Caution: If your violin is extremely out of tune or if you are replacing the strings on the violin, and tuning it the first time, you have to be careful. Learn how to play: Now that you have your violin tuned, it is time to start playing it. The Essential Elements for Strings is a great resource for those who are beginning violin or experienced players who want to hone their skills. Healing Sounds. Incredibox - Express your musicality. Violin Lessons -- Play Along at Home -- Online beginning lessons @ Escuchar musica en goear.

Editor y grabador de audio libre. Cultura indiana. MUSIQUE. Musique1. Amazing Resonance Experiment! Latin. SEU TUTORIAL: Índice Seu Tutorial. Índice Seu Tutorial Olá, Nesta página você encontrará um Índice completo dos artigos que recebem/receberam mais visitas no site. Os artigos estão separados por categorias e podem ser atualizados frequentemente, de acordo com que artigos recentes forem recebendo visitas significativas. - free file sharing and storage. Mine Audio. Strings & Orchestra. DRUMS. GUITAR 'n' BASS. Produktexempel - Studios. Como hacer una guitarra (acustica) Hola amigos de taringa iba a comenzar a hacer una guitarra para un proyecto del colegio en el que me ayudo mi abuelo que hace guitarras entonces me acorde de taringa y tome fotos igual en este post se muestran y describen paso a paso, todos y cada uno de los procesos de fabricación para una guitarra clásica de concierto. Igualmente se enumeran y comentan los materiales y herramientas necesarios para ello y por último, se facilitan los planos acotados de cada una de las piezas que conforman el instrumento.Los materiales: Estos son los materiales empleados en la construcción del instrumento Cedro de Honduras: Madera de gran estabilidad y escaso peso. Con ella se fabrica el mástil, la pala, el zoque y la culata. Además es muy apropiada para construir los junquillos de unión de los aros. Palosanto de la India: Es una madera muy apreciada para la construcción de la caja y los fondos.

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