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Smart Grid – The Partner of Choice for Successful Smart Grid Implementations - Smart Grid Solutions. Siemens recognizes that Smart Grid is about the big picture of improved energy delivery, informed consumption and reduced environmental impact.

Smart Grid – The Partner of Choice for Successful Smart Grid Implementations - Smart Grid Solutions

We are proud to be the only company that offers a complete spectrum of products, solutions and services for the protection, automation, planning, monitoring and diagnosis of grid infrastructure, including products, complete solutions and services for rail electrification. Siemens is bringing to market Smart Grid solutions that can evolve over time, are scalable and are compliant with industry standards for interoperability and security. We are making the Smart Grid a reality by partnering with utilities and cities to implement their Smart Grid visions. Check out our Smart Grid Resource Center for customer case studies, whitepapers and videos. A Stockholm, un smartgrid à l’échelle de tout un quartier. Par Laurence Benhamou le 19 novembre 2009 Le groupe industriel helvético-suédois ABB, leader mondial des transmissions électriques, s’est allié avec le producteur public finlandais d’énergie Fortum, qui opère à Stockholm, pour installer un réseau de distribution électrique intelligent à grande échelle dans un nouveau quartier de la capitale suédoise : la zone du Royal Seaport.

A Stockholm, un smartgrid à l’échelle de tout un quartier

Ce quartier, Norra Djurgårdsstaden en suédois, situé dans une zone encore non construite à 3 km au nord-ouest du centre ville de Stockholm, au bord de la Baltique, se veut un modèle d’éco quartier et de transports propres, en favorisant les vélos et les bus au biogaz. Les travaux doivent démarrer en 2009, à un rythme de 500 logements par an, et les nouveaux habitants s’y installeront à partir de 2011.

En 2018, il devrait compter déjà 5.000 habitants et doit être achevé en 2025, avec alors 10.000 logements et 30.000 espaces de bureau, ainsi qu’un centre de démonstration des nouvelles technologies testées sur place. Siemens Smart Grid Division video. To Get The Smart Grid, Businesses And Cities Need To Take The Leap First. Designed over 100 years before the first personal computer, the power grid has been called the most complicated system ever devised by man.

To Get The Smart Grid, Businesses And Cities Need To Take The Leap First

But despite its intricate infrastructure, most businesses don’t know or care how it works--as long as their lights stay on, it’s business as usual. This simple fact of complacency is one of the main reasons why we haven’t seen the adoption of the smart grid, the next generation of the grid. This needs to change. The days of utilities, cities, and companies large and small living harmoniously separate lives have come to an end, and the answer to a smart grid rollout doesn’t lie squarely with one group. It will depend on all entities, which previously never had to interact unless there was a power outage, engaging each other in an entirely new and uncharted way, disrupting “business as usual” and introducing a new way of operations.

Data Centers: The massive demand for IT services has made data centers an intensely energy-hungry function.