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Potion Factory. OmniFocus for Mac. Things (application) Things is a personal task management application for Mac OS X made by Cultured Code, a software startup based in Stuttgart, Germany.[1] The 1.0 release on OS X was on January 6, 2009.

Things (application)

The app went on to win an Apple Design Award at WWDC the same year; it also received a 4.5 of 5 review in Macworld,[2] and was awarded an Editors Choice Award ("Eddy").[3] On December 20, 2013, the company announced that they had sold one million copies of the software to date.[4] Things allows tasks to be subdivided into several sections, which correspond to parts of the Getting Things Done methodology: Inbox is used to collect tasks which have not been filed in a specific place yet. Things - task management on the Mac.