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100+ Awesome and Easy Sensory Diet Activities - Your Kid's Table. This is the ultimate list of sensory diet activities for kids created by an OT/Mom.

100+ Awesome and Easy Sensory Diet Activities - Your Kid's Table

Many ideas can be done with common household items and are easy to use and put into your routine! I’ve been wanting to write this post for a while now, its a big one, filled to the brim with sensory diet activities you can use for your child or toddler. Heck, many of these ideas work for adults, too. So, no matter what your age, the following list will be a great jumping off point for creating a sensory diet or for adding some new activities into the mix. If the whole sensory diet thing is new to you, make sure you read What is a Sensory Diet first! Before we get started on this incredible list though, I want to announce a brand new, FREE workshop that I’m co-teaching: How to Create a Successful, No-Stress Sensory Diet in 4 Simple Steps. And, as promised, I’ll also be announcing the winners to the Sensory Solutions Class scholarship! Touchy Feely Frames for Sensory.

As you know, sensory play is one of our favourite activities!

Touchy Feely Frames for Sensory

Pinterest is full of amazing ideas so I’ve been inspired to start sharing some of my own sensory play ideas. Have a look at my board here. I had a packet of plastic frames in the cupboard that we had never used. So I carefully removed all of the glass leaving just the cardboard backing frame behind. My Mum has an amazing craft cupboard, so I went to her house while she was working (hehehe) and borrowed some supplies for our project. I also headed to my local dollar store and grabbed a few more items. I contemplated gluing the frames to a piece of MDF but I like the idea of being able to lay out just a few frames at a time and my little one loves picking them up and exploring both the front and backs of the frames.

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best! Gross Motor Sensory Play Ideas for Sensory Processing Play. These fun games are perfect for indoor gross motor sensory play!

Gross Motor Sensory Play Ideas for Sensory Processing Play

Simple to set up and great for getting out extra energy. Do you have a gross motor, sensory seeker? Do you have a VERY active child? I do, so I created these super easy indoor gross motor sensory games. We can enjoy these gross motor sensory games anytime! These games are extremely useful for children with sensory seeking needs! All children will have fun with these gross motor sensory games. What do I mean by Proprioception Input & Vestibular Sensory Play?

What is proprioception input? 6 Gross Motor Sensory Play idea for these lines! Create as many lines as your space allows using different angles for each one! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sensory Hacks to Focus a Fidgety Child. TheHappyTeacher: BRAIN BREAKS! A lot of experienced authors have written books about “brain breaks.”

TheHappyTeacher: BRAIN BREAKS!

Brain breaks are short reprieves from learning where students GET UP and have a little fun! All students (and teachers) can benefit from incorporating brain breaks into their classroom. However, when you are on the spot, it's sometimes hard to think up a fun activity that will give students’ brains a break and help them refocus their energy and efforts. PANCAKE MANOR KIDS SONGS. 10 Ways to Support Students with Hyperactivity & Attention Needs. Sensory Hacks for Small Spaces. I'm all about DIY sensory hacks for kids.

Sensory Hacks for Small Spaces

In fact, I may be a wee bit obsessed with finding and making new ideas. However, I realize that some of my sensory hacks aren't always catered to those who live in small spaces such as an apartment. No worries, I've come up with a wonderful list of quick and easy sensory hacks that are just perfect for those of you living in small spaces. Some are really inexpensive and just use materials you have around the home too, which is an awesome way to do occupational therapy at home on a budget.

These ideas are perfect for providing vestibular and proprioceptive sensory input to kids with autism and/or sensory processing disorder, but really these ideas would be great for any child. This post contains affiliate links. Sensory Hacks for Small Spaces 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Free Printables Archives - PROJECT SENSORY. ADDitude - Attention Deficit Disorder Blogs.