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Picasso - light graffiti. In 1949, LIFE photographer Gjon Mili visited Picasso in Vallauris, France. He showed Pablo some photographs of ice skaters with tiny lights affixed to their skates jumping in the dark. Picasso was immediately inspired, these photos were the result. Via LIFE mag gallery. Awesome stuff by Diego Fernandez. Body Painting by Craig Tracy | Pondly. Brian Dettmer - A r t o f g r e g m a r t i n . c o m. Robert Williams Official Site. John John Jesse. Gary Baseman. Mark Ryden.

Michael Pukac - Fine Artist. Gage Opdenbrouw - Paintings and Drawings. Home - The Official My Year as a Rabbit Website - © 2011 Jimmy Sellars. Mad Tatters Home. Modern Denver Artist Gabe Wells, oil paintings - Gabe Wells.