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Blogging is the New Persuasive Essay. Teaching Strategies thinkstock By Shelley Wright As an English teacher, I’ve had numerous conversations with college professors who lament the writing skills of their first year students.

Blogging is the New Persuasive Essay

But not all writing. Most students are capable of solid expository writing. I spend three years teaching my high school students how to write a persuasive essay. Part of the problem is that our current school systems — and not just in Canada — aren’t great at producing independent thinkers. I love writing essays. Teaching Vlogging, Podcasting, and More! How do you use blogs with your students? - brainstorming and voting. Create your free Blog.

10 Reasons Why I Blog 9/10. Top 10 Technology Blogs for Education. Editor's note: This is a cross post from College Online where "The Innovative Educator" is named in the top ten ed tech blogs list.

Top 10 Technology Blogs for Education

I'm thrilled to be mentioned with all these other wonderful bloggers. I know and follow most of them and look forward to getting to know better those I don't. Education, as with all aspects of culture, is greatly impacted by the forward progress of technology. Several blogs are maintained by well-known individuals in the field of education. These top 10 technology blogs address technological developments as these innovations relate to education. Check out our picks here: 1. Who let the blogs out? So...You Wanna Be A Blogger. So this is a blog.

So...You Wanna Be A Blogger

Yep. It really is, or at least I want it to be. This is a space for me to reflect, share, learn and grow with anyone who stops by. What Do You Mean Evernote Could Get Better? Last time I wrote about the way I organize myself completely changed for the better with Evernote.

What Do You Mean Evernote Could Get Better?

Really, I can't talk enough about this program and the endless possibilities there are for it. (Just look at the comments from that post.) So What Has Changed Since I Started Blogging and Tweeting? The first PHSprincipalBlog (changed to Director 4/1/2009) post was on 9/18/2007. (332 posts overall)I have been on Twitter for 4 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 4 days, 1 hour, 27 minutes, 23 seconds (Nov. 29, 2007) according to My activity on my blog as well as on Twitter have diminished as of late.

So What Has Changed Since I Started Blogging and Tweeting?

I still find an incredible amount of value/entertainment by engaging in the online discussions, I just find it harder to make time to write and send out 140 character tidbits. My participation in these discussions has ebbed and flowed over the past four years and I am sure I will get more bursts of blogging energy. As I contemplate these little facts, I am really surprised that I have been at it so long. Time is passing at what seems like an ever increasing rate. I have discovered a wide range of educational bloggers, created an RSS feed for my favorites, and read the ideas and thoughts of my favorites everyday. A Wordpress Widget Perfect For Building Your PLN. If you’re an education blogger using WordPress, Dell has a pretty sweet new tool for you.

It’s a widget that displays a curated list of your favorite education blogs and websites. <shameless plug> We at Edudemic are honored to be featured in the widget. </shameless plug> Here’s how it works. You go to this Dell website and / or search for a ‘dell edu’ plugin in the plugin search area of your WordPress site. It’s free and a great way to show off the work of the bloggers and writers in your PLN. 1. 2. . - The ability to add any blog to your own wordpress widget installation. - New feature that will auto import your blog roll to the widget.

2011 20 Best Blogs in Instruc'l Tech. As I mentioned in my previous post, I intend to use my iPad to do as much of my work as possible and that includes setting up and producing this blog.

I am using Blogspot for the blog as (a) its free and (b) I use Google Docs a lot so it made sense to stick with a Google service so I needed to find an app that would work with Blogspot. Step forward Blogpress, £1.79 from the app store, 2 minutes to set up and we're off! Having set up a Blogspot account, chosen my blog name and layout (all done on the iPad), it was now time to make a graphic for my header. Technology in the Classroom Blogs. Blog. 21st Century Learning Socratic Seminar and The Backchannel Humanities teacher, Shannon Hancock, at Graded, the American School of São Paulo, read and worked through The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo with her 8th grade students. Not only did they read the text, learn about literary elements, but also learned to articulate and discuss in a professional manner the text … Visible Thinking in Math- Part 1 The conversation about visible thinking in Math started with one of our teachers at Graded, The American School of São Paulo, Adam Hancock, wanting to know how he could incorporate having students’ use their blogfolios in Math class.

Redefining My Learning Silvana Meneghini and I work as Academic Technology Coordinators at Graded, the American School of São Paulo. ” A flashlight in the fog of technology integration“, initially the title of a conference workshop proposal, quickly developed into the desire of creating a framework to guide and coach teachers based on … Global Education. Top 10 Technology Blogs for Education.