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8 Ways to Instantly Improve the Quality of Your Marketing Content. Last week, we published a post written by a HubSpot partner, Velocity Partners, that discussed the importance of creating high-quality content. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you do. You can view it here. The need to create high-quality content, however, has put many marketers in a difficult situation: high-quality content takes a long time to create, and many just don't have the time to do it. While it'd be nice to say, "tough noogies, find the time," that's neither realistic nor helpful. So instead, I've opted to brainstorm a list of very quick things that don't add on much time to your content creation process, but will instantly elevate the quality of the content you create. If you have a solid idea, and apply these additional measures before publishing, I think you'll find readers impressed with the uptick in your content quality -- and an uptick in traffic and leads should follow, too. 1) Fact Check 2) Include Data That Backs Up Your Points 6) Remove Any Jargon.

Zen Tips for a Web Developer and Designer - AntJanus Freelancer. As a web developer/designer I often get caught up in what I’m doing, mushed with information, confused about life, and see time pass by without stopping or even slowing down for me. I’ve been a practitioner of Zen habits for a few years, meditating, drinking all kinds of awesome tea, and honestly, living life very well.

Yet, when I design or program, that Zen has started to leave me and for a variety of reasons. I’ve noticed my attention straying, deadlines slipping, projects left without being finished (which really screwed me over a few days ago). Let’s list the issues so we can deal with them: too much information to process and keep up withtoo many projects that I want to start but never finishtoo much time without making a decisionnot enough timetoo much stuff I want to learn!

Let’s overview a few habits I’m currently implementing and that YOU should go ahead and try to add to your life as a developer and designer. Instead of reading blogs… Well, let’s drop that. You’re not. Sweet. 5 libri indispensabili per chi lavora (o vuole lavorare) nella comunicazione. Con l’affermarsi della società in rete e il dissolvimento della rete dentro la società, il ruolo della comunicazione sta cambiando inesorabilmente, indipendentemente dalla consapevolezza e dai comportamenti, spesso reazionari, dei comunicatori, siano essi uomini di marketing o relatori pubblici. L’approccio iniziale alla comunicazione in rete è stato di tipo meramente pratico. Ma gestire correttamente la presenza dell’azienda sui social media richiede non tanto una competenza tecnica, quanto una cultura nuova. Ecco perché penso che sia più utile per chi si occupa professionalmente di comunicazione, provare ad acquisire una sensibilità nuova, attraverso dei libri che possono aiutarci ad allargare gli orizzonti. 1.

Clay Shirky, (Codice Edizioni) {*style:<b> 2. I media digitali raccontati dal punto di vista di un sociologo. 3. Un questo tomo di quasi 700 pagine Castells esplora l’intreccio tra comunicazione e potere, col supporto di analisi fattuali e numerosi esempi concreti. 4. 5. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. The Difference Between UI and UX. In today’s creative and technical environment, the terms “UI” (User Interface) and “UX” (User Experience) are being used more than ever. Overall, these terms are referring to specialties and ideas that have been around for years prior to the introduction of the abbreviated terminology. But the problem with these new abbreviations is more than just nomenclature. Unfortunately, the terms are quickly becoming dangerous buzzwords: using these terms imprecisely and in often completely inappropriate situations is a constant problem for a growing number of professionals, including: designers, job seekers, and product development specialists. Understanding the proper separation, relationship and usage of the terms is essential to both disciplines.

The most common misconception that you will hear in the workplace, in client meetings and often in job listings or job requirements is the inadvertent combination or interchange of the terms. Such problems bring us to the user experience. UI is a Tool. Old Maps Online. Are you an unemployed developer? Here’s what to do » Aj freelancer.

I keep running into unemployed devs, people that can do a lot of the things I do, and almost definitely everything I currently get paid for. It’s always surprising to me in some way especially on reddit. There are devs that would work for 1/4 of what I get paid, 1/2 of what I get paid, devs that are happy with 70% of what I get paid, for almost the same work (I say “almost” because I’m not 100% sure as to what they do and how I compare to it). Same thing goes for Forrst, twitter, and other places. It’s really common for me to run into people like that so I wanted to write a checklist of places where to find good work. Some ideas: if you’re willing to work your ass off, spent 90% of your time bidding on projects, and get paid little, go here. This is how I found my last job and will find my future job. Make a kick ass resume. Setup a CRM just for jobs. Craigslist I can’t stress this one enough. Directly Contact Companies This one is a bit more complicated. 9 tool per creare wireframe. Raccolta dei migliori UI Kit in Flat Design – Free Download | GRAFIDEA. Dato che si va sempre più affermando il Flat Design come tendenza web, ho deciso di pubblicare una raccolta delle migliori UI da poter scaricare gratis ed utilizzare per i propri web design.

Se conosci un altro UI Kit gratuito puoi segnalarlo nei commenti. Al momento la raccolta si compone di 25 UI Kit in Flat Design tutti liberamente scaricabili ma grazie al tuo contributo potrà includere altre preziose risorse condivise sul web.