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How to....Social Media?

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Blog.hootsuite. One of our favorite quotes, provenance unknown, is “You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.”


But how many of us tried explaining social media to non-users, such as our older relatives, or even the C-suite of our companies, and failed to do justice to all its benefits? The challenge is underestimated, since the definition of social media is in the state of constant flux. Nowadays, no type of social media is completely isolated from others, as major networks adjust their functionalities to offer more services to their users—recent examples of this include Facebook’s announcement of Place Tips, as well as Pinterest’s acquisition of new advertising technologies.

To help you distinguish different types of social media, we highlighted the primary capabilities of different online services, and illustrated each with examples of major players. Relationship networks. The Ultimate Guide to Hashtags. Benimm dich! 11 Etikette-Regeln für den Umgang mit Smartphone, Internet und sozialen Netzwerken. Etikette: Es fehlt an Regeln für den digitalen Umgang miteinander Bei Tisch wird nicht geschmatzt, das Besteck wird von außen nach innen benutzt und beim Anstoßen guckt man den anderen in die Augen.

Benimm dich! 11 Etikette-Regeln für den Umgang mit Smartphone, Internet und sozialen Netzwerken

Solche Benimmregeln gelten in der Offline-Welt immer noch, und sie werden auch heute noch den meisten Kindern und Jugendlichen beigebracht. The 2015 Social Media Keyboard Shortcuts Guide - Infographic - Save yourself loads of time every day by speeding up your social network browsing with some lightning fast keyboard shortcuts!

The 2015 Social Media Keyboard Shortcuts Guide - Infographic -

We’ve put together a list of social media keyboard shortcuts for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr and Google +. A shortcut is a key combination that links up with a specific command that would otherwise be accessible through a menu via a click of a mouse button. These shortcuts allow you to bypass the need for mouse clicks and movements and get’s you to the function you need in the fastest possible way. Embed this image on your site. Lies das! – Bitly ermittelt die Bestzeiten für Posts auf Twitter und Facebook. 10 Types of Images to Boost Your Social Media Engagement. Bob Cargill | April 22, 2014 | 0 Comments inShare9 Photos and videos have been proven to boost engagement with social media posts, so here are 10 different ways you can incorporate them into your brand's next post.

10 Types of Images to Boost Your Social Media Engagement

As a writer by trade, it's not easy for me to utter these words, but I'm not going to lie: On social media, a picture is worth a thousand words. It's true. Content may be king, but visuals rule. Building up Social Media Marketing Strategy. What are Social Media In order to define the scope of this article, I would like to start with the basics: what are Social Media?

Building up Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social Media are all the platforms that efficiently provide companies and individuals with . Using Social Media as a marketing tool implies accepting this horizontal communication and consequently . Why a strategy? 30 Dinge, die du in den sozialen Netzwerken vermeiden solltest. © bahrialtay / Social Media hilft dir, deiner Marke einen Namen zu machen.

30 Dinge, die du in den sozialen Netzwerken vermeiden solltest

Es gibt jedoch 30 "No-Go's", die du unbedingt vermeiden solltest. Resources. Social Media can be more than a little overwhelming.


Here are some great resources to help get you oriented! Understanding Different Platforms There are tons of Social Media platforms online, depending on your niche or market. Here, however, is a list of the most commonly used platforms and how to use them. If you’re just starting out, select a couple of sites at first and get comfortable with those. FacebookTwitterLinked InYouTubePinterestGoogle+InstagramWordPressPheedQuoraFlickrTumblrFour Square(New) My Space. The Beginner's Guide to Social Media. Whether it's keeping up on the latest web memes on Reddit or Tumblr, following your favorite comedians on Twitter, profesionally networking on LinkedIn, or staying in touch with college friends on Facebook, social media has become an integrated and constant part of our everyday lives.

The Beginner's Guide to Social Media

To digital natives, it may be difficult to imagine a world where these tools aren't at our fingertips, but the fact is, new users join these services every day. For the uninitiated, check out our beginner's guides to get started on Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn and Facebook. 1. The Beginner's Guide to Tumblr This micro-blogging platform brings together bloggers, brands and tastemakers. If you're already comfortable tumbling, check out these our tips and tricks for power users: 2. It may not be the sexiest social network out there, but LinkedIn now has 161 million members in more than 200 countries, making it the world’s largest professional network on the web. Already have a profile? 3. Zufriedene Kunden: So geht Support auf Facebook & Co. Kundendienst: Warum guter Support wichtig ist Guter Kundenservice ist unerlässlich für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens.

Zufriedene Kunden: So geht Support auf Facebook & Co.

Unfreundliche Supportmitarbeiter, wenig hilfreiche Antworten und Inkompetenz sorgen zu Recht für Verdruss bei den Konsumenten. Wer einmal schlechte Erfahrungen mit dem Support eines Unternehmens gemacht hat, wird selten ein zweites Mal mit dieser Firma Geschäfte machen. Das geht auch aus einer Help-Scout-Studie hervor: Nach dieser würden 86 Prozent aller Kunden nach einer schlechten Erfahrung mit dem Kundensupport nicht mehr bei der betreffenden Firma einkaufen. Neben dem direkten Verlust an Sales sinkt auch das Ansehen des Unternehmens.