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Clariti ( is a productivity tool that helps businesses improve the way they work. Clariti integrates Chats, Emails, Calls, To-Dos, Documents into Threads based on topic. A salient feature of Clariti is TopicFolder.

Top 8 web-based business communication tools for small businesses. Top 10 online meeting software for small businesses. The current global pandemic has proliferated online meeting software.

Top 10 online meeting software for small businesses

In these times of remote working, businesses are relying on online meeting tools (also known as web conferencing, virtual communication, virtual meeting, virtual conferencing etc) to keep their remote teams connected, motivated, engaged and keep projects on track. These virtual communication tools are helping companies to run their operations smoothly and consistently during these uncertain times. A Boston Consulting Group survey found that 75% of respondents felt like they had maintained or increased their productivity after going remote. The impact of technology on small business communications. Internal communication is an integral part of engagement and productivity, as it helps to create a safe space for employees and establishes a workforce network.

The impact of technology on small business communications

By creating an effective communication strategy through various technological platforms and tools, small businesses employers can build a better team by giving them better channels to address any concerns, problems, or questions they might have. These platforms allow employees to also build better relationships with their colleagues, which will contribute to creating a motivating and productive work environment. 9 best internal communication tools and best practices for small businesses. Clariti brings all communications to one place including emails, chats, calendar events, to-dos, and calls.

9 best internal communication tools and best practices for small businesses

Clariti also connects all related communications as if it is one conversation. There is no need to shift between many apps and there is no need to stress trying to remember all the connected conversations in memory. 8 best online collaboration tools for business growth. 3 Ways Clariti increases productivity through workplace messaging. Face-to-face meetings and phone conversations gave way to emails which remained as the primary messaging choice for corporates for the last 2 decades.

3 Ways Clariti increases productivity through workplace messaging

Unfortunately, emails soon became a productivity barrier with a typical employee spending over 2.5 hours a day, sending and receiving over 200 emails. This turned out to be a colossal waste for large companies that employed hundreds and thousands of employees. 8 killer features of a good online collaboration tool and how Clariti nails them all. 10 must-have features of a good web-based communication tool and how Clariti aces them all.

The importance of web-based communications in the workplace is growing by the day.

10 must-have features of a good web-based communication tool and how Clariti aces them all

The emergence of remote work and dispersed workforce is forcing many organizations to do a complete rethink of their existing communication processes and tools. Implementing web-based communication tools at the workplace has become one of the most important business priorities in 2021. Is social media a good small business communication tool? Is social media a good small business communication tool? 18 internal communication strategies for 2021. The new communication tools are powerful, but they can damage your business. While a variety of forms of communication remain in use throughout companies today, the main concern is efficiency.

The new communication tools are powerful, but they can damage your business

Therefore, quick, written, new communication tools such as email and chat tend to be the preferred method by many busy individuals. Phone calls and in-person meetings seem to be going by the wayside and are more and more thought of as seldom-used annoyances that are ways of the past. On the surface, this may not seem like a big deal at all. 5 Tips for effective business communication. Corporate communication: What it is, top challenges, and best practices. Why Clariti is the best free team chat app of 2021. As of 2021, to be very frank, there are no ‘plan vanilla’ team chat apps in the market.

Why Clariti is the best free team chat app of 2021

They have all upgraded into collaboration tools as work is not just limited to chats. Today’s chat apps also include emails, phone calls, shared documents, to-dos, work items and integrations with third-party apps. In short, they have become ‘work hubs’ to satisfy all the communication and collaboration needs of an organization. Though Slack was a pioneer in the team chat apps, today, Microsoft Teams is leading the pack with over 145 million daily active users. In the last couple of years, many new tools have joined the bandwagon and they are giving these giant team chat apps a run for their money. Best Microsoft Teams’ alternative for small businesses. Microsoft Teams’ communications app’s daily active user base has jumped by 26% to 145 million from 115 million in October 2020.

Best Microsoft Teams’ alternative for small businesses

Along with Microsoft Teams, a host of other tools like Slack, Zoom, Cisco Webex, Snapchat etc have also seen steep spike in their user base. But the main reason behind the spectacular growth of Microsoft Teams is that it is being offered as a free add-on to Office 365. For small businesses, that are already burdened with lot of other paid-apps, Microsoft Teams became a natural choice. So, the big question is: “Has Microsoft Teams really helped small businesses to improve their productivity?” One year into the pandemic, there have been many reports that employees are drowning in a sea of instant message pings, notifications and video calls.

8 crucial productivity tips for small businesses. Many small businesses use many apps for different applications that are not connected to each other.

8 crucial productivity tips for small businesses

Given the level of information being generated that is related across the apps on a daily basis, this is highly inefficient. Small businesses need an efficient system to store all the information in one place based on context so that information can be easily retrieved and acted upon when needed. Organizing and finding data should be much easier and less complicated than it is when using multiple apps. By simplifying the ability to store and retrieve any information when needed, small businesses can speed up the decision-making process and business productivity. Tried and tested strategies for enhancing team collaboration. Top 10 Clariti features to ensure efficient business operations during WFH. How to create a successful and flexible remote work culture. 8 Strategies for effective organizational communication. How freelancers can maximize their productivity using Clariti. How Clariti boosts your productivity.

Companies often deploy too many apps, each for a specialized purpose.

How Clariti boosts your productivity

A Pegasystems Inc study found that an employee on average switches between 35 job-critical applications more than 1,100 times every day. Nearly 31% of respondents said toggling between apps affected their focus and productivity. 9 Foolproof business tools every company should be using. In order to increase efficiency and productivity, companies are dependent on various business tools. Companies have various departments and needs. Even the most robust ERP system can’t fulfill all the needs of an organization and they soon end up using too many business tools.

10 Cool instant messaging tools. Instant messaging is one of the most popular and fast-growing communication channels in the workplace. It is seen as best replacement for emails as it allows messages to appear instantly, avoiding any formalities that are associated with group calls or emails. With around 269 billion emails sent every day, instant messaging is playing a key role in reducing the email overload. During this lockdown, instant messaging is helping employees, who are scattered over geographies and time zones, to remain in constant contact with one another. Of late, instant messaging has turned out to be an indispensable tool for the remote workforce. According to a recent study, around 43% of employees are now using instant messaging at work. 13 essential communication and project management tools for small businesses. Clariti is one of the most cost-effective business communication platforms for businesses to organize all their communications in one place. Clariti supports all communication forms including chats, emails, cloud-based documents, voice calls and social feeds.

Clariti uses TopicFolders to automatically connect all your related conversations no matter which medium was used. For example, you can combine chats, emails, calls, documents, and even to-do alerts in TopicFolders. 11 Reasons why business communication is critical to your company’s success. Effective business communication allows both internal and external stakeholders of a business to work together efficiently.

Companies that have effective business communication see higher workplace productivity. According to a study by Blue Source, productivity goes up by 25% in businesses with connected and engaged personnel. 15 excellent apps for internal communication. 15 ways to boost team collaboration. Why is effective team communication so important and what are the 10 best ways to achieve effective team communication. When you use apps like Zoom, Skype, FreeConferenceChat, Cisco Webex, etc, you will end up using multiple apps affecting your team communication.

Clariti is one of the best free voice calling app that lets you make and receive unlimited audio calls. You don’t have to install an additional app. You can call anybody or set up group calls without generating any meeting id or passcode. You don’t have to dial-in any number, and you can use your desktop speaker and mic for the calls. Future of modern workplace collaboration and strategies to ace modern workplace collaboration. 10 best productivity tips for work. How too many productivity tools can make you feel unproductive. Tips to make your email get noticed. 7 ways to improve your daily productivity. Why are employees reluctant to use more productivity tools at work? TopicFolders can add more productive hours to your workday. Organizing your communication in folders just got easier! 10 Tips to make your communication app less annoying. Team messaging can make or break your productivity. 5 key features of a good web-based communication software. How to choose the right team chat app for your organization.

8 Ways to increase productivity in the workplace. 6 Ways to Foster Increased Team Collaboration. 5 Reasons Why Business Communication is Critical to Your Company’s Success. The 5 Best Free Email Clients for Your Desktop PC. 15 Best Instant Messaging Apps for Business. 7 powerful Clariti features that make working from home productive. To-Do or not To-Do – that is the question. Let’s talk about threads, baby! Stressed by search! Clariti Threads to the rescue. How to make your communication flexible using Threads.

How to cut down your cost of communication using Threads. Chat 2.0 — A new way to work! Conquering work-life balance during remote work – Clariti. The “Dark” Truth of Business Communication. All about Clariti’s AI-powered Threads – Clariti. 10 easy ways small businesses can leverage technology to boost team collaboration, replace emails and drive productivity. Has Slack, Microsoft Teams made face-to-face meetings dinosaurs of our era? Still Forwarding Emails? There is a better way! Multi-task like a Pro with Clariti! How to organize all your customer interactions in one place. How to use Clariti Threads to boost team collaboration. How knowledge management makes your business more productive.

For Small businesses it is time to look beyond email and chat for remote collaboration. 5 team communication tools that will skyrocket your productivity – Clariti. Microsoft Teams Vs Clariti: Which one should you choose? – Clariti. No Search, No Stress with Clariti Threads! – Clariti. How Clariti Threads fix poor business communications – Clariti. Use Clariti Threads to boost your productivity – Clariti. The ugly truth behind modern day productivity – Clariti. A Quicker Faster You! – Clariti. Should emails have a word limit? – Clariti. 7 tips to get your multitasking skills down to a tee – Clariti. 5 tips to make your workday as productive as possible – Clariti. 5 apps for startups to boost their productivity – Clariti. What is the ideal productivity app? – Clariti.

Nano-influencer marketing is a big deal. Here’s why! – Clariti. How to run a successful email marketing campaign – Clariti. The do’s and don’ts of effective business communication – Clariti. Top 5 benefits of using ‘connected apps’ – Clariti. How to maximize your social media reach – Clariti. 5 mistakes you must avoid while emailing! – Clariti. Experience the power of ‘connected apps’ using Clariti – Clariti. Here’s how to make remote work, work for you. 5 must-have SaaS-based productivity tools for remote teams. Boost your workplace collaboration with digital tools. Experience the power of ‘connected apps’ using Clariti. Here’s how employers can make WFH easier for their employees – Clariti.

The Perfect Collaboration Software​