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This "lost" interview with Ray Bradbury is the best thing you'll listen to today. I will wait for the fall SNL skit that makes fun of Ray Bradbury suggesting we have a permanent settlement on the moon and moving onto Mars, and the articles either here or on other sites ridiculing him for the suggestion.

This "lost" interview with Ray Bradbury is the best thing you'll listen to today

It's what happened to Newt when he suggested it. Or when former President Bush put forth the exact same idea. Perhaps I'll just sit back and wait for the apologists to explain that President Obama cutting the space shuttle program and NASA's budget was a good thing, and the goals he set for NASA are totally in the realm of their responsibility, you know, as in "find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering.

" The amount of illogical partisanship I see when it comes to the space program is perhaps the saddest thing about this website and any website geared towards the "future. " The First Binary Star System With More than One Planet. This is a very good question and I'm pretty sure planetologists don't have a good answer yet.

The First Binary Star System With More than One Planet

The old theories of planet formation used to say that gas giants couldn't properly form that close to a heat source. But obviously the observational data tells us that the theory is wrong. I haven't read anything yet about what new answers we might have. Well, what if Enceladus were inside the "goldilocks" zone. It would (possibly) have liquid water, and therefore be a very strong contender for having life, correct? All things being equal, they should have even more energetic atmospheric storms given the comparatively greater amount of solar heating they would receive. It isn't in the habitable zone for our star. The sunlight is simply too dim. However if such a moon were somehow transferred to a solar system with a much brighter and hotter star, with a much larger habitable zone, the moon itself with would be very, very different. Kirk-enthusiasm. William Shatner and Wil Wheaton narrate NASA's two new Mars rover videos!

Star TrekHistory - Behind the Scenes. The Cage Page - Rare behind the scenes assets from Star Trek's first pilot This webpage is dedicated to"The Cage", Star Trek's first pilot.

Star TrekHistory - Behind the Scenes

For your perusal are recently restored clips, artwork, rare documents and deleted scenes. For those of you unfamiliar with the plot and cast click here. Lost and Found "The Cage" never aired on television as it was a rejected pilot. As an already completed show the 35mm negative was cut and integrated into the two part episode, "The Menagerie" as a cost and schedule saving measure. Creating Star Trek Gene Roddenberry, a writer/producer approaches Desilu studios in April of 1964 to pitch his idea to Herb Solow, head of the television development. Pre-Production: Costumes and Make-up Shown here publicly for the first time is Western Costume's design for Spock's uniform. Costume and Make-up Test Footage Talosian Make-up and Voice Effects From Roddenberry's script FINAL DRAFT, November 20, 1964: EXT. EARTH TRADER Matter of fact he was. PIKE No! Must Read: Neil Gaiman's Tribute to Ray Bradbury. I second gonzoni.

Must Read: Neil Gaiman's Tribute to Ray Bradbury

American Gods is a very good place to start. I didn't appreciate his short stories as much until after I'd read his novels. If you're into comic books Sandman is fantastic. I don't hesitate to say that it shaped me as a person. It holds up really well, and that was my start with him. Neverwhere. It's the first book I read of his, and it's amazing. It's a good book, they made a TV series out of it that, though good, wasn't as good.