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The Lamm Farm | A Family Farm. Every year in mid-March, I head to San Francisco (or rather, San Mateo) for the San Francisco Garden Show. I always take a day off from work so I can visit the show early in the week and round up whichever of my gardening friends are available to make the trip. But this year, we kicked it up a notch. The plans have been brewing for weeks and we made the pilgrimage on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Carri (front yard veggie gardener extraordinaire) was the driver and I was the fairly competent navigator (GPS reader) and after getting coffee, gassing up, picking up a forgotten FastTrack pass and totally spacing on getting cash, we headed off to the bay area.

First stop: Our friend Chuck’s place in Bernal Heights. They have an enormous old car filled with plants and other recycled materials on display outside. Inside, there is a brightly colored wall decorated with air plants and an old, ornate window. On the flip side is a wall of plants! Check out this old sink full of pitcher plants…


Mark's Daily Apple. Chicken vindaloo is an Indian dish that can also be beef, lamb or pork vindaloo, depending what you’re in the mood for. It’s a dish known for being very spicy, but it doesn’t have to be if you make it at home. You can even skip the hot peppers entirely and still have an extremely flavorful dish from the ample amount of onions, ginger, garlic and spices.

The complex flavors in this dish belie the simple preparation and short cooking time. Just blend the spices, marinate, sauté and then simmer for 25 minutes. Keep reading… GNOLLS.ORG - Home of J. Stanton and The Gnoll Credo. Drs Eades. Mary Dan Eades, M.D. The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D. By Michael Eades Comments 33 A little over ten years ago, I wrote a review for Dr. William Davis’s bestselling book Wheat Belly. I started that review with a description of the changes in health that came about when early man switched from a hunter-gatherer diet to an agricultural-grain-based diet. The changes were not for the better. Comments 21 For those who can remember that far back, I started this series of book reviews of my favorite 52 books of 2020 way back in January. Comments 22 You should know the story from the last post I wrote about why I’m posting these 13 books instead of the whole list of 52. Comments 84 I read a lot of books in 2020, and most of them were pretty good.

What follows is my second favorite Christmas story of all time. Comments 4 In case you’re just dropping in after not being on the site for a while, you’ll notice a different look. Comments 40 Comments 174 As I suggested in my last post, you should watch the embedded video to study up for this post. Comments 141.