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ICT and CS joint statement.pdf. How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote (Education Series) Bio Rob is a teacher at Trillium Charter School in Portland, where he primarily instructs students aged 8-11.

How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote (Education Series)

He has been working to develop online portfolios with students for the past six years and has taught in private schools, traditional public schools and public charter schools for the past 15 years. I use Evernote, Everywhere: iPhoneiPod TouchiPadMacWindows E-Portfolios: a student’s project warehouse and progress tracker I started teaching 15 years ago and that is when I first came across this concept of a ‘portfolio.’ Initially, I had my students create paper portfolios. We had a bin where we’d put these documents and at the end of the year, they’d have 10-20 pieces that they’d take with them into the next school year.

After spending years with paper portfolios, I’ve transitioned this concept into digital form, and have started to implement Evernote as the primarily system for creating portfolios in my classroom. Evernote as an portfolio system Parent/Teacher conferences and Evernote. Digital_Literacy_Resource.pdf. Millions exposed by Facebook data glitch. Download Page. A Useful Social Media Cheat Sheet. If you’re looking for a straightforward no-frills guide that breaks down the details of some of the most popular social networks, look no further.

A Useful Social Media Cheat Sheet

This social media cheat sheet covers most of the big names you’re probably aware of … but it’s not perfect. The infographic from Flowtown showcases Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, Tumblr, and … Digg. Yes, Digg. It offers up insight into Digg but skips over LinkedIn, Stumbleupon, and Pinterest. So yea, not perfect. Web Design Trends of Fortune 500 Companies [Infographic] Our Infographic “Web Design Trends of Fortune 500 Companies” covers the the trends and facts related to home page design of Fortune 500 Companies.

Web Design Trends of Fortune 500 Companies [Infographic]

Infographic by - To Publish this Image on your Blog or Website . Copy this code <a href=” src=” alt=”Web Design Trends of Fortune 500 Companies” width=”580″ /></a><br />Infographic by- <a href=” > </a> 93% of Fortune 500 companies had Logo in Top Left Corner 27% of Logos Include a Tagline or Slogan 63% of companies have content above the fold , User have to scroll in remaining 37% websites to find content. The Teacher's Quick Guide To Educational Twitter Hashtags. The Teacher’s Quick Guide To Educational Twitter Hashtags Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-10-18 I heart Twitter.

If you haven’t yet, follow @edudemic to keep up with what we’re doing, working on, and seeing (like last night’s tech event with GDGT in downtown Boston!). Twitter has become a massive hit in education and it’s too big to ignore. So that’s why we helped assemble the 2012 A-Z Guide To Twitter Hashtags . But that’s a very lengthy list. Want to download this graphic as a PDF? Category: Featured Tags: #edchat , guide , hashtags , infographic , resource , twitter , visualization You may also like How Teachers Are Hacking Their Own Digital Textbooks Added by Anthony DiLaura 5 days ago 17.23K Views 9 Comments 0 Likes. A Day In The Life Of The Internet. A Day In The Life Of The Internet – infographic There are close to two and-a-half billion people online around the world – this number has grown a heady 566 percent since the year 2000 – and 70 percent of them use the internet each and every day.

A Day In The Life Of The Internet

As you might imagine, with that kind of presence, which amounts to more than a third of the global population, quite a lot happens over the course of each 24 hours. The Internet never sleeps. Is it possible to even fathom the idea of any given moment without someone in the world being connected to the Internet for one reason or another? It wasn’t that long ago that the Internet wasn’t even a thing, but anymore it’s something that we can’t do without. A Day In The Life Of The Internet Source: Hostgator SEO Social Media Tip of today: Twitter Management (please unlock).

Berrie Pelser, Ber|Art Visual Design: Vergelijkbare berichten: My name is Berrie Pelser, since 1999 co-owner of Ber|Art Visual Design V.O.F. Padagogy-wheel.jpg 1,829×1,829 pixels. Why High Schools Should Treat Computer Programming Like Algebra - Jordan Weissmann. The tech industry is officially out to remodel your kid's classroom -- and it feels like there's a good chance that it's going to succeed.

Why High Schools Should Treat Computer Programming Like Algebra - Jordan Weissmann

After years of more or less resisting the pull of the web, both college and K-12 seem ripe to be remade for the digital age. There's political buy-in. There's investor buy-in. There's, frankly, a pervasive sense that it's just time. But what exactly will tomorrow's schools look like after they get a SIlicon Valley-style makeover? Kids should play video games in school (and out) Could video games be the future of tomorrow's classrooms? Important disclosure: one of the day's two underwriters was the Entertainment Software Association, otherwise known as the video game lobby. In any event, some experimentally minded schools are already embracing video games as teaching tools.