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Une édition du “New York Times” en chinois sur Internet - En bref - L'actu Médias / Net. A Campaign Challenge - Defining Obama. Fabrice Epelboin. Streetbook. Editor’s note: Foetus and Waterman asked to preserve their anonymity as a condition for speaking to Technology Review. Our rule is that sources should remain anonymous if their safety or the safety of their families demands it.

In such cases, we ask the writer of a story to tell its editor the sources’ identities. Here, unusually, although the writer spent many days with Foetus and spoke to Waterman over Skype, he never learned their real names. But we interviewed people who know the two revolutionaries. The street revolutions that overthrew the presidents of Egypt and Tunisia in January and February had no Lenin or Trotsky; but two secretive Tunisians known as “Foetus” and “Waterman,” and their organization, Takriz, performed a remarkable and largely unknown role.

Takriz began as a tiny self-described “cyber think tank” in 1998. Going UndergroundTakriz started with modest aims, including freedom of speech and affordable Internet access. First prize: 13 years in prison. Enlarge Timeline. La Tunisie 2.0 est aux urnes. Le 23 octobre, la Tunisie a rendez-vous avec l'Histoire, pour l'élection de son Assemblée constituante. À Tunis, OWNI a rencontré l'avant-garde de la démocratie en réseaux. De la politique participative innovante. Séduisante. Un vieil immeuble au cœur de Tunis, près du quartier “Le Passage”. Ici, le quatrième étage est occupé par un groupe de citoyens très impliqués dans l’aventure démocratique que connaît la Tunisie. Les hacktivistes, militants du libre, de l’open-data et de la transparence, artisans de la révolution de janvier dernier, préparent ce rendez-vous avec l’histoire, comme les autres mouvements.

Le spectre est large, plutôt consensuel en première lecture. Les débats de l’Assemblée constituante devraient être télévisés, donc publics. Les candidats indépendants qui acceptent ce socle de valeurs reçoivent une aide en trois volets de la part d’Afkar. Appareil de parti crowdsourcé Les candidats auront aussi une page sur le site d’Afkar pour accroître leur visibilité. Why Egypt wasn't waiting for WikiLeaks to ignite a revolution. Ask any Egyptian how much of an influence the Internet was in the nation’s uprising, the first thing they’ll probably do is roll their eyes at you. I’ve certainly mentioned it countless times – International media found the perfectly convenient package of the Facebook revolution fueled by a Google executive.

A better lede couldn’t have been written if they had made it up themselves. But the thing is, there is as much fiction in that phrase as there is fact. Yes the Facebook page We Are All Khaled Said, created by the Google executive Wael Ghonim, was instrumental in mobilizing a certain demographic in Egypt. But long after Hosny Mubarak was toppled, figures have emerged to prove that calling the uprising in Egypt in any way, shape or form, a Facebook Revolution, is almost as ridiculous as the short-lived name, the Lotus Revolution, a name which had absolutely nothing to do with the movement.

The role that the Internet did play was to get the story out. L’Inde, superpuissance digitale qui s’ignore encore - Blogs tEchosphère. Le "printemps israélien" est en marche ! Le rôle de la messagerie BlackBerry soulève des débats, Actualités. L’Inde, superpuissance digitale qui s’ignore encore - Blogs tEchosphère. Can India lead the mobile-Internet revolution? - McKinsey Quarterly - Marketing & Sales - Digital Marketing. Almost 1,500 years ago, Indian mathematicians, including Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, and Pingala, transformed mathematics by conceiving the rules of the binary numeral system.

While those rules today lie at the heart of the code powering the Internet, India has relatively few Internet users: just 7 percent of its population is connected to the Web, compared with 32 percent in China and 77 percent in the United States. Yet India has an opportunity to lead the world once again by becoming the first truly mobile digital society. All the elements are in place: the cost of network access and handsets is going down, wireless networks are going up, and Indian consumers already display an insatiable appetite for digital services. In addition, bypassing the personal computer—moving straight to widespread mobile access—simply makes sense.

Can India actually transform itself from an Internet laggard into a world leader? The Indian digital consumer Exhibit Enlarge Development roadblocks About the author. Une « 3e Intifada » mise hors ligne. Mardi 21 juin, le ministre israélien de la Diplomatie publique Yuli-Yoel Edelstein a écrit à la société Apple, se plaignant que l’application « ThirdIntifada » (troisième Intifada) comportait des informations sur des protestations, parfois violentes, dirigées contre son pays.

L’application offrait ainsi aux utilisateurs un accès à des informations en arabe, annonçant de futures révoltes, tout comme des liens vers des vidéos et des chansons nationalistes palestiniennes. Apple Inc, faisant suite à cette demande, a retiré cette application de l’iTunes store (son site marchand), mettant en avant la section 19 de son règlement -concernant les applications- qui stipule que les contenus à caractère diffamant envers des religions, des cultures ou des groupes ethniques seront retirés de la vente.

La première Intifada, un soulèvement contre l'occupation israélienne, a commencé en décembre 1987 jusqu'aux accords sur l'autonomie palestinienne conclus à Oslo en 1993.