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Encyclopædia Iranica. Encyclopædia Iranica is a project whose goal is to create a comprehensive and authoritative English language encyclopedia about the history, culture, and civilization of Iranian peoples from prehistory to modern times.[2] It is a project founded by Ehsan Yarshater at Columbia University, started in 1973 at its Center for Iranian Studies, and is considered the standard encyclopaedia of the academic discipline of Iranistics.

Encyclopædia Iranica

The scope of the encyclopedia goes beyond modern Iran (also known as "Persia") and encompasses the entire Iranian cultural continent (namely Afghanistan, Tajikistan, parts of Anatolia and Kurdistan) as well as other geographical areas where Iranian languages dominated at certain times: Caucasus, South Asia, Central Asia, and Mesopotamia. Relations of the Iranian world with other cultures (China, European countries, etc.) are also covered. The project has published 15 volumes, and is planning on publishing a total of up to 45 volumes. Recent controversy[edit]

History (The Past)

Language. Religion & myhs. Statistics & indices.