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Vacuum Seal Bags. For long section hikes involving mail drops, packing daily rations in vacuum seal bags protects my food supply in the boxes that I mail ahead as well as in my backpack when I load up.

Vacuum Seal Bags

I carry between four and six days worth of food, stopping at trail towns to pick up mail drops for the next four to six days. Whenever possible, I send boxes to hostels instead of post offices, because post offices can be closed when I get to town. Vacuum Sealing… Protects food from moisture which could cause mold growth.Removes oxygen which preserves the nutritional quality and appearance of dried food by limiting oxidation.Slows down rodents.Compresses food so it takes up less space.Keeps daily rations easily accessible and the remaining days undisturbed. If heading out for only a few days and not doing resupplies, packing daily rations in gallon-size Ziploc bags is sufficient for most conditions and will still keep you organized. Meal & Snack Assembly Pre-Assembly: Recommended Bag Sizes: Pack Sides & Snacks. Thermocouples - Thermocouples from Labfacility. Labfacility est le leader européen dans la fabrication de capteurs de température et connecteurs pour thermocouples disposant d'un large stock comprenant câbles pour thermocouples, régulateurs de température, émetteurs, détecteurs à couche ou bobinés, barrettes à bornes, bornes serre-fils et raccords, équipement d'étalonnage, appareils à souder les fils de petit calibre et instruments de mesure et de régulation de la température.

Thermocouples - Thermocouples from Labfacility

Utah Geology- Geology of Utah & the Colorado Plateau. Straw Bale Home DVD Video, Green Building, Hybrid Home, Straw Bale House Construction. KODAMA. Post and Beam DVD : Straw Bale Innovations LLC. 50 straw bale house plans. Straw, Sticks & Secrets: A Hand-Built Earthen Hobbit Home. As amazing as this handmade home is as a work of architecture, its low cost and low-tech, low-impact construction using local materials (and mostly just a chainsaw, hammer and chisel) is at least as compelling as the finished project.

Straw, Sticks & Secrets: A Hand-Built Earthen Hobbit Home

This wonderful organic Woodland Home was built by family, friends and even passers by who stopped to lend a hand. Carved into a hillside and constructed from naturally-shaped walls and roofs, it hides even greater spaces inside. The frame was made up of oak logs less than a foot in diameter, carefully selected and cut down from the surroundings to thin the forest and allow further growth of certain trees. A second-story platform sits in the middle, punctured by winding timbers that also support it from below. Mortise-and-tenon connections join vertical posts and horizontal joists with nails to fix the intersections in place. On top of the plastic-sheathed roof sit mud and turf for insulation and water drainage.

Building a Low Impact Roundhouse. IT's ALL IN THE BOOK!

Building a Low Impact Roundhouse

New 10 year edition! Building a Low Impact Roundhouse If you want any more details of how specific bits were made, reciprocal roof construction, plumbing, solar panels etc, plus the story and ideas behind it, may I refer you to my book "Building a Low Impact Roundhouse", published by Permanent Publications, now in a new updated 2007 edition at £12.95, and available from them by phoning (UK)01730 823 311. You can access their website by clicking here. I have had some good feedback about this book. Building a Low Impact Roundhouse was released on Feb 21st 2013 as an ebook and is now available to be downloaded on several formats for only £8.50! You've probably been thinking 'If the book is that good, it's probably been translated into Norwegian', and you'd be right! It is available from this email address.

OK, commercial over. This is designed to be, and works well as, a simple ecohome for two workers on a communally run farm. Wofati eco building. Google Afbeeldingen resultaat voor.


Projects. Pearltrees videos. Trektochten. Fotografie.