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10 changes to Facebook you need to know. The changes that Facebook announced at their fMC event in New York on Wednesday represent a fundamental shift in brands’ relationship with Facebook. The new Timeline functionality for brand pages is only the tip of the iceberg – Facebook have, in effect, given brands a 30 day ultimatum to totally change the way they manage their community on Facebook.

Here are the 10 things you need to know about the changes: 1. Direct Messages between pages and anyone Facebook have introduced direct, private messaging between any Facebook user and pages. When arriving at a brand’s page, someone simply needs to click the ‘Message’ button (placed prominently right next to the ‘Like’ button) to initiate the process. Brands have the option of disabling this functionality if they wish.

This means fans and non-fans alike suddenly will be expecting near to real-time and personalised customer service on Facebook, something, let’s face it, most brands are just not prepared for. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Integrating Social Media into Business Process a Challenge. Integrating social media into overall business processes is a challenge for many companies. Marketers, often having led the way in social media usage, must work with other teams and senior executives to bring about change within the company in order to integrate social throughout the organization.

InSites Consulting surveyed senior marketing managers in the US and UK and found that only 14% of respondents said their companies had completely integrated social media into their business processes. Meanwhile, 23% were working to integrate social media, 24% were in a pilot phase of social media, 26% were taking their first steps and 12% were doing nothing with social media. Marketers also cited the top barriers to integration of social media, with 48% saying their company did not believe there were financial benefits, 42% believing that their products and services were not suited for social media and 39% responding that their company lacked top management support.

Businessinsider: A Syrian Tribal Leader Threatened To Barbecue The U.S. Ambassador And Eat Him & 68% of CMOs Underprepared For Social Media | Mobile Social Marketing. Le marketing sur les médias sociaux. Je vais vous présenter une infographie concernant les usages des marketeurs sur les réseaux sociaux en 2010. Les crédits de l’infographie publiée en anglais reviennent à Flowtown et Socialmediaexaminer. Cependant je trouvais le résultat intéressant.

C’est pourquoi j’ai traduit sous Photoshop toute l’étude afin de la partager et de l’analyser avec vous. Je vais vous présenter tout d’abord l’infographie complète. Je vous proposerai ensuite une analyse en profondeur de cette étude. Pour une meilleure lisibilité, n’hésitez pas à cliquer sur l’image et sur la petite case en haut à droite de celle-ci pour l’agrandir Que ressort-il de cette infographie? Il est désormais évident que l’apport des médias sociaux entre dans les moeurs. Il n’est désormais plus question de savoir si l’on intègre les médias sociaux dans la stratégie d’entreprise mais plutôt comment. Temps de présence sur les médias sociaux Seulement 31% des marketeurs utilisent les médias sociaux depuis plus d’un an. mais c’est comme ça ! Veille medias sociaux. How Younger Adults React to Brands on Social Networks. Older social media users have grown more likely to follow brands on social media sites as they’ve gained more experience interacting on them, but younger adults still outnumber them in this activity.

Millennials’ enthusiasm for making friends with brands, though, may not be too far above average. The “American Millennials” survey, conducted by Barkley in advance of September’s Share.Like.Buy conference, found that over half of millennials, defined here as consumers ages 16 to 34, liked checking out brands on social media sites. That compared with just over a third of older adults. The survey, fielded in partnership with the Service Management Group and sponsored by Boston Consulting Group, also found that a third of millennials like brands more if they use social media.

That was nearly double the percentage of older adults who said the same. The Barkley survey did find that millennials were more likely than older adults to “like” a brand on Facebook, and did so more often. Is There a Social Media Tech Bubble? [INFOGRAPHIC] Valuations of social media companies are starting to remind us of 1999. But are they overvalued? Now that Microsoft bought Skype for $8.5 billion, LinkedIn's IPO valued the company at $8.9 billion after its first day of trading, and Facebook's estimated value is pushing $100 billion, you might be starting to wonder if buying into user numbers rather than revenue is a good idea.

Social media site G+, a community of professionals, entrepreneurs and academics, put together this detailed infographic that lays it all out in front of you. Take a look at these valuations and let us know in the comments if you think this is getting out of hand: (Click here for enlargement) Infographic courtesy The Real Cost Of Social Media  What’s the real cost of social media? Last week we looked at an interesting infographic on the value of social commerce and today we wanted to share another interesting infographic on the cost of social media. So how do your social media costs compare? These stats, which have been aggregated by, show some good insights into how much brands are paying, on average, for their social media strategy and activities. The second half of this infographic shows some good stats on the benefits of social media, including a comparison of what an average Facebook fan will spend on certain brands compared to a non-fan.

On average it shows that a Facebook fan is 28% more likely than a non-fan to continue using a brand and that fans are 41% more likely to recommend a fanned product to their friends. What’s a Facebook fan worth to your brand? Be Sociable, Share! Médias & Publicité : Facebook lance ses «bons plans» en France. Sept marques participent au déploiement de «Facebook Deals» dans l'Hexagone, permettant aux internautes de bénéficier de promotions lorsqu'ils visitent une enseigne. Par petites touches, le projet Facebook prend forme. En septembre 2010, le réseau social avait lancé dans l'Hexagone son service «Lieux» qui permettait à ses huit millions d'utilisateurs mobiles de signaler leur présence dans un endroit - restaurant, salle de cinéma, lieu public.

Ce service était le préalable nécessaire au service publicitaire «Deals» ou «Bons plans» que Facebook déploie ce lundi à travers cinq pays européens, dont la France. «C'est une extension naturelle pour que les marques et les distributeurs puissent récompenser les utilisateur, générer du trafic en magasin, fidéliser les visiteurs mais aussi générer du bouche à oreille à travers les notifications sur le mur des utilisateurs», explique Damien Vincent, directeur de Facebook France, au Figaro. Facebook: 11 millions d'utilisateurs quotidiens en France. Facebook annonce avoir dépassé la barre des 20 millions d'utilisateurs "actifs" en France (détenteurs de compte ayant effectué au moins une action sur le site lors des 30 derniers jours).

"Plus de 60% de ces utilisateurs français se sont connectés tous les jours, soit 11 millions de personnes sur 24 heures, c'est très important en termes d'audience" a indiqué Damien Vincent, directeur commercial de Facebook France. Facebook totalise plus de 500 millions d'utilisateurs dans le monde. Experian Invests in Facebook Advertising by Acquiring Ads API Tool Provider Techlightenment.

Experian Invests in Facebook Advertising by Acquiring Ads API Tool Provider Techlightenment Global credit and marketing services giant Experian has acquired Facebook Preferred Developer Consultant and Facebook Ads API beta participant Techlightenment. The acquisition will add social media advertising, brand monitoring, polling, and social CRM services to Experian’s portfolio that includes internet competitive intelligence from the previously acquired Hitwise, and email marketing. Experian can now offer an integrated web and social marketing solution to brands.

The acquisition signals that major marketing companies may be ready to make investments in the future of social media advertising. The field requires special technologies that can be difficult to develop internally, so marketing companies may look to instead purchase existing tools. As of June, Techlightenment had 30 employees and a $7 million in annual revenue. Sponsored Post Hands-On Social Media Training for Beginners.

Wow! AOL Thinks It Can Succeed As The 500th Groupon Clone. There is no shortage of Groupon clones. With literally hundreds of daily deal sites popping up all over the world, it’s a pretty saturated market. Or maybe it’s the next big thing. Either way, AOL (our new corporate owner) is about to find out. It is going to launch its own daily deal site called Wow! The site will come under the purview of Ned Brody, COO of the media, advertising, and commerce group, as well as the president of AOL’s Paid Services group. While AOL is clearly following the pack here, it is not clear that is a bad thing. Not that Groupon needs to lose any sleep over AOL entering the market.

Thinking of daily deals as a new ad unit certainly makes sense. Businesses are encouraged to offer discounts in return for massive purchase volume and to treat those discounts as a marketing expense because generally the deals introduce new customers to their products and services. How Facebook Can Become Bigger In Five Years Than Google Is Today. Remember three years ago, when Microsoft paid a quarter-billion dollars for 1.6% of Facebook and the exclusive right to run banner ads across Tell the truth, how many of you thought that was a killer business decision?

I can’t say I did at the time. But as that deal is about to expire in 2011, Facebook’s status as a revenue juggernaut is rarely questioned any more. In fact, I have been mulling over data from both companies, and I’m ready to declare in public my belief that Facebook will be bigger in five years than Google is right now, barring some drastic action or accident. Futhermore, Facebook will grow without needing to cut into Google’s core business of text ads, which are still 99% of Google’s profits.

What do I mean by bigger? Facebook already has more page views than Google. Google’s 2010 revenues will be $28 billion, give or take a billion. Facebook has figured out its business model, and wants to keep it out of the public eye as long as possible. Games. Inbox. Social Media Changes Old Web Habits - PCWorld. Social media now consume 23 percent of our time online, stealing time away from e-mail, reading news, and spending time at portals such as, according a recent Nielsen study. The study tracked the online activity of 200,000 American users from June 2009 to June 2010.

Time invested on social networking sites grew nearly 50 percent -- from 16 percent to 23 percent -- and that social gaming surpassed e-mail to take the number two position. Americans now log an average of six hours per month twiddling thumbs on social networks. Though e-mail usage dropped on desktops -- declining to 8.3 percent from 12 percent -- it remains dominant on mobile devices, occupying 42 percent of our smartphone time in comparison to 37 percent last year. US Facebook Demographic Study  It can be pretty hard to dig out the right facebook demographic data, but Mashable has done just that and interestingly, compared all US Facebook users to all US citizens.

It show some great statistics like population growth, race, age, gender, most popular cities and state percentage of facebook users among a number of other great stats! I think the infographic left me a little short, it just didn’t seem like a detailed enough breakdown, but none the less a good one! You can view a super large version of this chart here. Be Sociable, Share! Socialmedia. Integrating E-Mail and Social Media.

Business executives around the world are optimistic about next year, according to the “2010 Marketing Trends Survey” from StrongMail. Nearly nine in 10 plan to increase or maintain their marketing budgets, and one-half expect their customers to be spending more in the coming year. E-mail and social media top the list of marketing tactics respondents will increase spending on in 2010. Search came in third. Combining social media and e-mail marketing is a growing trend. More than four in 10 business executives said integrating the two tactics was one of their most important e-mail marketing initiatives for 2010, just after improving performance and targeting and growing opt-in lists.

Around one-quarter of respondents had already implemented an integrated strategy, and another 24% had formulated a strategy and were researching how to put it in practice. Even after getting initiatives off the ground, success can be difficult to achieve—and measure. Previous Article. How social media have globalized the shoping exper. Social Network Spending Shifts. 2009 will end with major shifts in social network advertising spending. Facebook, at 350 million users worldwide, is the premier destination for marketers in the US and many worldwide markets. It will surpass its former rival, MySpace, in ad revenues in 2010, when marketers worldwide will spend $605 million on Facebook versus $385 million on MySpace.

“As more marketers incorporate social networks in their business, they will no longer look at them as siloed destinations. Instead, they will look to increase the impact of their social network presence by linking it to other marketing initiatives, both online and offline,” said Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, “Social Network Ad Spending: 2010 Outlook.” Earned media will be a key theme of social network marketing. Combining social with mobile as well as with local will also yield more advertising opportunities. eMarketer also expects social ad networks to increase in importance. Facebook Revenues Screaming Toward $1 Billion. Facebook: 80% des 15-24 ans Francais sont inscrits! « display it.