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HackerEarth sur Twitter : "via @secretGeek #DevHumor #ProgrammingError #ProgrammerLife... SCullman/GrauhundReisen. Carsten König sur Twitter : "nächste Woche #devspace - bin schon gespannt (mein #erstesmal) - freu mich auf auf neuen #input... Crypto 101. ALGLIB.


Caliburn Micro: WPF, Silverlight and WP7 made easy. MVVM Light Toolkit. Introduction The main purpose of the toolkit is to accelerate the creation and development of MVVM applications in WPF, Silverlight, Windows Store (RT) and for Windows Phone. The MVVM Light Toolkit helps you to separate your View from your Model which creates applications that are cleaner and easier to maintain and extend. It also creates testable applications and allows you to have a much thinner user interface layer (which is more difficult to test automatically). This toolkit puts a special emphasis on the "blendability" of the created application (i.e. the ability to open and edit the user interface into Blend), including the creation of design-time data to enable the Blend users to "see something" when they work with data controls.

Documentation There is documentation about the MVVM pattern and the MVVM Light Toolkit available here. Installation and Creation The MVVM Light Toolkit installation procedure (for the full package) is described here. Source code and Codeplex Support Donate.


Testing. Son of Obsidian | Studio Styles. DB. Realtime Webcam Sudoku Solver. Introduction This application might not have any practical value, but it is great from a learning perspective. I wanted to learn about computer vision. Computer vision is one of the most exciting areas of modern computing. It is also a difficult area. What is simple and obvious for the human brain is very difficult for a computer. Many things are still impossible with the current level of IT progress. This application is implemented using low level C++ because I wanted to learn how things work under the hood. The webcam acquires one image at a time (a frame). The numbers below the image are delays in milliseconds measured on my 2.8GHz PC with the webcam set to 640x480 pixels. How conversion to black and white works Thresholding Every computer vision application starts with the conversion from color (or grayscale) to monochrome image. The simplest method to convert color to monochrome is “global thresholding”.

For a good conversion to monochrome, we will use adaptive thresholding. Theory.

Functional Programming

WP7 Dev.