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Photography Tips, Tricks, Techniques, and Other Assorted Things

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40 Of The Most Powerful Photographs Ever Taken. Polaroids of Afghanis Who've Never Seen a Photograph. The Wakhan corridor located in the northeastern corner of Afghanistan, is a less-traveled region by foreigners.

Polaroids of Afghanis Who've Never Seen a Photograph

Are These the World’s “Luckiest” Photos? A lot goes into making the perfect photograph: a good eye, impeccable composition, and lighting skills, for starters.

Are These the World’s “Luckiest” Photos?

Yet, sometimes, you need a little bit of magic for the right image to unfold before your lens, a stroke of luck that aligns the various elements and then, your quick instinct to capture the moment. Compelling Portraits of Circus Performers. Where Children Sleep: James Mollison's Poignant Photographs. Photographer Dennis Manarchy Builds Giant Camera. In a world where all things small are considered beautiful and cool, a photographer is doing something quite drastically different from the norm.

Photographer Dennis Manarchy Builds Giant Camera

Dennis Manarchy is in the process of creating a camera that is so huge, it captures 24-foot tall realistic photographs of incredible detail. Photoshop-ing these pictures would be totally out of the question. Fourandsix Technologies - Photo Tampering throughout History. 73 Links and Photos That Will Make Your Photography-Loving Head Explode « Light Stalking. It’s been a truly wonderful week online in the world of photography, and Toad Hollow Photography has been busy collecting the best set of links to tutorials, great photography and interesting blogs to share with everyone.

73 Links and Photos That Will Make Your Photography-Loving Head Explode « Light Stalking

This is a really great list highlighting wonderful work by some of the best photographers who are active online, and we hope you enjoy looking at these pieces as much as the Toad did in bringing them to you. Check out the Toad’s photoblog featuring Canadian landscapes and historical artifacts, and his Fine Art Landscape Photography website. Ask JoeB: Chainlink Fence – another wonderful and highly informative blog post from Joe Baraban discusses textures and lines in art. The image being critiqued is just wonderful, producing fabulous leading lines and a frame for the slightly out of focus window in the background. This is a truly wonderful post sure to teach almost everyone something about image composition, and specifically photography. New York leper colony: Eerie pictures inside abandoned world of lost island. 50 Greatest Cameras of All Time. 10 Ways To Improve as a Photographer. Famous Photogs Pose With Their Most Iconic Images.

Jeff Widener holds his photo of Tank Man in Tienanmen Square from 1989.Photo: Tim Mantoani Steve McCurry holds his 1984 photo of a young woman from Peshawar, Pakistan.

Famous Photogs Pose With Their Most Iconic Images

"I looked for this girl for 17 years and finally found her in 2002. Her name is Sharbat Gula. "Photo: Tim Mantoani Neil Leifer holds his photo, Ali vs. Liston, which he took on May 25, 1965 in Lewiston, Maine.Photo: Tim Mantoani Bill Eppridge stands with his photo of Robert F. Colorizing Classic Black and White Photos. When you come across black and white photographs from the past, do you ever wonder what colors are meant to replace the varied shades of gray?

Colorizing Classic Black and White Photos

Sweden-based artist Sanna Dullaway re-imagines photos from yesteryear in vibrant, realistic hues. The series features portraits of well-known people throughout history including Abraham Lincoln, Che Guevara, Albert Einstein, Mark Twain, Anne Frank, and a young Charlie Chaplin without his signature mustache. Camera Exposure Infographic. Zone System. Ultimate Exposure Computer. Imagine an exposure computer so advanced that it uses your eyes as a sensor.

Ultimate Exposure Computer

The processing unit is as powerful as your brain. The computer is accurate over a light range from reflected starlight through the light produced in a hydrogen fusion reaction. This computer weighs nothing and operates without batteries. It comes with instructions to allow you to implant the capabilities of the computer directly into your own memory so you can accurately judge a correct exposure by simply looking at the type of light that the subject is in. You are using this computer right now! Everything I've said above is true. The fact is that the concept of photographic exposure is extremely simple. Knowledge of photographic exposure is essential to controlling the creative side of the photographic process.

This Is Not a Photograph. Eggleston's connection to indie continues today; it's interesting to see how his work and worldview are being refracted by Washed Out's Ernest Greene, whose music itself reflects the languid pacing of Southern life.

This Is Not a Photograph

In a recent interview, Greene-- whose Life of Leisure features a cover snapshot of his wife floating in the ocean during their recent honeymoon, and whose nom d'indie perfectly syncs the aural and visual components of his music-- talked about the simple pleasures of moving back home: "I started to realize what a beautiful place (Perry, Georgia) was and how great a place it is for a kid to grow up... What Perry loses in culture or a live music scene, it gains in seclusion and nature. Joseph Szabo’s Compelling Portraits of Teenage America in the ’70s and ’80s. What Ended Kodak’s Moment? According to the Wall Street Journal, camera manufacturer Kodak is preparing to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, following a long struggle to maintain any sort of viable business.

What Ended Kodak’s Moment?

The announcement has prompted some commentators to claim that Kodak’s near-demise has been brought on by: a failure to innovate, ora failure to anticipate the shift from analogue to digital cameras, ora failure to compete with the rise of cameras in mobile phones. Actually, none of these claims are true. Where Kodak did fail is in not understanding what people take photographs for, and what they do with photos once they have taken them. Before looking at what people actually take photos for, and how Kodak got it wrong, let’s look at the two reasons others have given for Kodak’s failure: that the camera in phones has replaced the stand-alone camera, and that Kodak failed to innovate. ‘The dedicated camera is dead’ Unfortunately this graph doesn’t tell the whole story. Origin of photos, by camera type.