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Essential Guide to Clothes Donation & Recycling | City Waste Services. After writing our article on decluttering your closet, we realized many of you might be in a predicament. You’ve successfully removed a bunch of clothing that you no longer need, but are now faced with the challenge of disposing of it. Do you throw it in one of our garbage bin rentals? Do you throw it in the garbage for collection curbside? The answer to both is no. It’s surprising that even with the widespread adoption of recycling and donation programs that many people still aren’t taking advantage of them when they’re getting rid of clothing. In fact, in North America, an astounding 85 percent of our clothing ends up in landfills.

That’s over 10.5 million tons of clothing. The problem in the U.S. isn’t any better. One of the reasons clothing ends up in landfills is the lack of convenience. Because of this, we’ve decided to do the legwork for you and compile a comprehensive list of places where you can donate and recycle your clothing in Toronto and the GTA. Clothes Donation New Circles. How to Finally Declutter Your Closet | City Waste Services. We’ve written about garage organization, basement organization and kitchen decluttering. These areas are usually where our clutter accumulates the most but there’s another one that’s a favourite hiding place for junk; our closets.

Like our garages and basements, our closets are typically a dumping ground for things that we don’t have a home for. It’s another way to temporarily cloak our addiction to stuff, especially clothing. Moreover, because clothes are one of the hardest types of items to get rid of, you’re left with bulging closets that require you to wear safety equipment every time you open their door. In today’s market of fast fashion and competitive clothing markets, low quality, high quantity, discounted clothes have paved the way to closets full of clutter. Buried in these closets is the roughly 20% of clothing that most people actually wear. Declutter Your Closet Schedule As we’ve written before, we’re big fans of timed decluttering sessions to help organize your home. Remove. City Waste Services Dumpster Rental FAQ. Decluttering: 300+ Things to Throw Away Today | City Waste Services. Readers of this blog know that we’re big fans of decluttering and organization, with articles on topics such as organizing your basement and beating back-to-school clutter.

Those articles mainly covered the how–with tips and tricks, the when–with timed decluttering sessions, and finally the why–your sanity, of course! It’s understandably challenging to take the first step in decluttering when the mountain of junk in your home is overwhelming. The only way to conquer any mountain, however, is always the same: by taking the first step. So today we’re going to give you the last piece in the puzzle, the what. We’re firing off a list of 300+ things you can throw away so you can take the first step to conquering that mountain today. Table of Contents Because it’s such an enormous list, we’ve added a table of contents so you can skip to the various sections. The Ultimate Decluttering List Remember as you look through the items on this list that most of them can be donated, sold or recycled.

Summary. City Waste Services Dumpster Rental FAQ.