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CitySprint is the UK's leading same-day delivery and distribution network, providing trusted solutions for all of your courier and logistics requirements.

Direct mail – why businesses need to start sending to home. Want to make sure you spend your budget effectively?

Direct mail – why businesses need to start sending to home

Our in-house print and fulfilment experts CitySprint Office explore the changing face of direct mail against the effects of COVID-19. Even in an economic crisis there is still money to be made, which is why businesses can’t afford to miss the mark when it comes to communicating with their target audience. Taking in to consideration different channels to connect with your audience is a fundamental part of any targeted marketing plan. Although direct mail is seen as more of a traditional marketing channel, it is becoming an untapped opportunity for businesses to get their message directly in front of their audience.

Here’s a few considerations you should make about direct mail and why you should include it in your next marketing campaign. Out-of-office to home Over the last few months public health concerns have led to much of the population spending more time at home. Adjusting your approach. 3 types of customers drinks companies can serve whilst the hospitality sector recovers. From small independent pubs to popular high street restaurant brands and global hotel chains, a wide variety of hospitality businesses have felt the pinch of coronavirus.

3 types of customers drinks companies can serve whilst the hospitality sector recovers

How you can adapt your business during a pandemic. COVID-19 has been the biggest challenge to the way we work and business operations in most of our lifetimes.

How you can adapt your business during a pandemic

Lockdown restrictions have meant remote working, a depleted workforce and a general decline in sales across most sectors. Our new Pharmacy to home service. Last month CitySprint Healthcare attended the biggest annual event in a pharmacist’s calendar – The National Pharmacy Show.

Our new Pharmacy to home service

We used the opportunity to launch a ground-breaking Community Pharmacy to Home delivery proposition, designed to save every pharmacist time, money and hassle. This flexible Pharmacy to home proposition offers four delivery options: scheduled routes, emergency cover, time slot windows and ad-hoc cover. Most importantly this visionary new service utilises our leading edge technology, replacing paper manifests and giving pharmacies access to real-time tracking, reporting and electronic Proof of Delivery.

Our Healthcare couriers will also replicate the usual security checks that take place in a pharmacy, at a patient’s doorstep. Other benefits include: Best Tips for Small Businesses to Save Big. With so much flux in the world, it is now more important than ever to run an efficient business.

Best Tips for Small Businesses to Save Big

Part of this is cutting down on unnecessary expenditures. In this article, I will be providing some of the best ways you can save money without losing quality. Let’s jump right in. #1. Stop Advertising This may defy all logic but it’s one of the best ways to save money and your business. Companies like Kirkland, for example, known as the Costco brand, have never spent any money on ads. Social media and influencers are doing more for brand awareness than ever before. . #2: Outsource Where You Can This may sound counterintuitive but bear with me. Everything from SEO, content writing, brand management can be outsourced to specific experts in each field.

. #3: Shipping Costs Delivery and shipping are probably one of the most expensive aspects of running any business. When looking for a trustworthy delivery partner, you need to consider what is the best courier service in the UK for your business. Share. Book a courier near you and send a parcel wherever in the UK. National Courier Awards 2019. The Institute of Couriers National Courier Awards took place on the 15th October and we are delighted to announce that we had six CitySprint winners going home with awards!

National Courier Awards 2019

This night recognises those in the industry who go the extra mile to provide an outstanding service. Below is some more information about our wonderful winners from the night. Andrew Lumb won an award in the Four Wheels Driver category. Andrew is renowned for his positivity, dedication and his ability to cover the full spectrum of courier work. He’s someone who is always on hand and willing to help. Filip Boshnakov picked up an award in the Four Wheels Contract Driver category. Stephen Gray was also a winner in the Four Wheels Contract Driver category. Adrian Purewal won in the Office category (accepted by Lisa Clark in his absence). Shervonne Timmer was a winner in the Contract Office category. Finally, Monica Pound picked up a Presidential Fellows Recommendation award.

We deliver Courier Services you can depend on. When should SMEs choose an overnight courier service? Overnight courier services have long been the premium option for express delivery.

When should SMEs choose an overnight courier service?

It’s fair to say it represented a chance for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to offer added value to consumers who needed goods faster and were willing to pay for the convenience. However, the explosion of the online retail sector has quickly changed the delivery landscape. In fact, it has continually amplified the new ‘on-demand economy’, which is reshaping expectations. With the rise in popularity of same day delivery, overnight is fast becoming the industry standard: May 2018 saw the highest ever use of next day services, and online retail order volumes were up nearly 15% year-on-year. New optical distribution and delivery service. Our Healthcare business took another important step forward today with the announcement of a new optical distribution and delivery service.

New optical distribution and delivery service

This will offer optical manufacturers, wholesalers, laboratories and opticians a credible and flexible alternative delivery option to what is currently available. The new service, being announced at the Optrafair trade exhibition, Olympia, will include: Choice of flexible and scalable delivery options Secure and cost effective solutions Next day timed delivery Same day delivery National network of 39 service centres across the UK and 2,500 plus trained couriers The optical service builds on our growing presence in the healthcare arena, with delivery services established in pathology, pharmacy and pharmaceutical R&D.

Collaborate UK 2014 How are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) business networks shaping the nation? We deliver Courier Services you can depend on.