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Responsive images

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Responsive Images: If you're just changing resolutions, use srcset. By Chris Coyier On September 30, 2014 responsive images If you're implementing responsive images (different images in HTML for different situations) and all you are doing is switching between different versions of the same image (the vast majority of usage), all you need is the srcset attribute on the <img>. Gaze upon this easy syntax: It's not just the syntax that is easy, it does a better job than <picture> with <source>s with explicit media attributes (we'll cover why in a moment). Plus it has the opportunity to be much better in the future with browser settings and browser improvements. I've screencasted about this before, but it clicked better watching Mat Marquis's talk at An Event Apart Austin and with Jason Grigsby's post.

#With srcset, the browser does the work of figuring out which image is best In the simple example above, all we're doing is telling the browser about some images that we have available and what size they are. The browser goes: Now another browser visits the site. Responsive Images: The Ultimate Guide. Chances are that any Web designers using our Ghostlab browser testing app, which allows seamless testing across all devices simultaneously, will have worked with responsive design in some shape or form. And as today's websites and devices become ever more varied, a plethora of responsive images techniques are appearing to serve developers' needs.

However, responsive design can seem like a minefield. The sheer range of responsive image options on the Web is daunting - and that's before you get into facing the obstacles specific to the site you're working on. But have no fear! What Are Responsive Images? Put simply, responsive design is an approach that enables your website to fluidly adjust within the parameters of any device - involving a minimum of scrolling or zooming.

Well ... yes and no. What Are The Problems? Problem 1 - Semantics Making responsive images work cleanly and reliably across multiple platforms sometimes involves using techniques that aren't ‘semantic'. Adaptive Images. Making SVGs Responsive with CSS. An article on how to make embedded SVGs cross-browser responsive. We're going to cover embedding techniques, how to apply the "Padding Hack" and how to use inline media queries to make SVGs adaptive. An SVG can be embedded on a web page in many ways; one of which is embedding it inline in an HTML5 page using the <svg> tag. The other commonly used techniques include embedding it as an image using the <img> tag, embedding it using the <object> tag, using an iframe, and as a CSS background image.

Conceptually, making an SVG scale as its container scales should be as simple as removing any fixed height and/or width, and specifying a viewBox attribute value. However, due to different browser implementations and inconsistencies, the web isn’t all ponies and rainbows, and making SVGs fluid isn’t quite that straightforward, because the way browsers determine the dimensions of an SVG when embedded in different ways isn’t consistent across all of them. Making SVGs Fluid Using CSS Wrapping Up. Implementing Responsive Images - O'Reilly Media Free, Live Events. 10AM PT, San Francisco 1pm - New York | 6pm - London | 11:30pm - Mumbai | Thu, Feb 26th at 2am - Beijing | Thu, Feb 26th at 3am - Tokyo | Thu, Feb 26th at 5am - Sydney Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free The key missing ingredient in responsive web design has been a native way for browsers to deliver images tailored to a user's device. Consequently, sites often have delivered large images to all browsers, making pages load slowly (on mobile devices especially) and eating into mobile user's data plan quotas. It has limited artistic control of our sites across devices as well. Years in the making, a solution is upon us now in the form of HTML's new srcset and sizes attributes and picture element. During this webcast, you'll learn: When and how to use each of these new featuresThe status of their browser supportOptions for browsers that don't support them About Bruce Hyslop Prior to going independent, he spent a decade working for digital agencies.

Responsive Images: If you're just changing resolutions, use srcset. Responsive images | No strong beliefs. The <img> tag all started with this message and has been with us since HTML 2.0. In that time it hasn’t changed much at all, just put a path to an image in the src attribute and you have an image on the screen. That all worked very well until the need to provide content to people in many different situations with a wide range of screen sizes presented itself. This need brought with it problems that seemed insurmountable at times and were dismissed as temporary by some, but have now been solved by the extraordinary people and work of the Responsive Images Community Group.

I didn’t follow progress closely but I had a passing interest and saw that they sailed many a stormy sea and were slapped by a few broadsides before getting to this point. The process was sensible; they started with use cases and solved each one. To understand the solutions properly it’s important to understand these use cases, so read them if you’re not sure. Resolution switching with srcset srcset and sizes Clarification. The new srcset and sizes explained › Martin Wolf Front End Web Development. Wednesday, 07. May 2014 Last sunday I sat down on my couch, got comfy and started reading up on the new srcset and sizes syntax.

I wanted to understand it and then starting to use it now with the awesome picture/srcset/sizes polyfill picturefill 2. Personal struggle But after some time of reading I had to face it — I just wasn’t able to grasp it, to understand the thought behind it and the overall system. I felt paralysed, sitting in this comfy spot not knowing what to do or who to ask. I felt that it wasn’t all that complicated but I didn’t understand it anyway. I took a deep breath and started reading again. It was a relief and I was very happy that I stuck it out and didn’t give in to me feeling bad about myself. How srcset and sizes work It’s important to note that this new srcset has nothing to do with the old draft from 2012. There are now two responsive images solutions which can be combined or used on their own. The syntax Still having trouble with srcset and sizes? Responsive Images Done Right: A Guide To <picture> And srcset.

An Event Apart: The Future of Responsive Images. At An Event Apart in Atlanta GA 2014, Mat Marquis walked through the history of developing a responsive images solution for the Web and the solution coming to browsers soon. Here's my notes from his talk The Past, Present, and Future of Responsive Images: Responsive Web design is made up of three things: a flexible grid, media queries, and flexible images & media. But as developers we've also made responsive design synonymous with large web sites.One of the most common critiques against responsive Web design is that it creates large (file size) Web sites, thereby slowing Web pages down.The average Web page sizes are 1.6MB.

Images are responsible for most of these large sizes. The Web is all about universal access. Working Through Options Images and media can be made fluid by setting max-width to 100%. A Final Solution Other Techniques. Tab Completion. This is a basic sketch of a CSSOM Values API, where rather than returning strings for everything, we use proper JS objects. No more parsing of "5px" for you! Requirements Must faithfully and directly reflect the property grammar in an obvious way. While specialized APIs might be useful to expose on the side, we want to be able to interact with properties in a generic way to help tooling and teaching.Must gracefully handle the kinds of property changes that the CSSWG commonly makes.

Common Types of Property Changes As CSS grows and changes, we alter and extend existing properties in various ways. Breaking apart a complex property into a shorthand with sub-properties.Turning a property with a single value into a list-valued property that accepts a comma-separated list.Adding more terms to the grammar of an existing property, such as taking a property that accepts a <length> and making it <length> || keyword, so it goes from 1 value to 1 or 2 values. Proposal Sketch That is: CSSValue Objects.