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Pan-Seared Tilapia Recipe. Hair Loss in Pet Rats | Animals - PawNation. Hair loss in pet rats has a variety of causes. While certain clues can tip you off about what's going on -- including how many rats are affected, whether the hair is thinning or coming out in clumps, whether there are accompanying symptoms and behaviors you may observe -- your vet should make the diagnosis. This ensures you find out what's really going on and take the proper course of action for treatment. Barbering "Barbering" is the most common cause of hair loss in rats. This is when a dominant rat chews the hair off submissive rats.

Nutritional Problems Pet rats who don't get all the nutrients they require through a healthy, balanced diet are prone to hair loss. Skin Parasites Pet rats are prone to lice and mite infestations, though it's rare that the two coexist simultaneously. Other Concerns A variety of skin conditions cause hair loss themselves or are itchy enough to prompt excessive scratching that causes hair loss. The Rat Report. This article is from the Rat Health Care booklet. Order one today! Check out the info at Rat Books by Debbie “The Rat Lady” Ducommun updated 11/14/13 Male rats tend to produce more skin oil on their backs than females, and some males produce enough skin oil that it can look like a problem to the uninitiated. The most common skin problem in rats is caused by itching. Itching also seems to be related to stress, common for eczema. Regardless of the cause of the itching, when the rat scratches, her back toenails break the skin which can allow bacteria to enter.

You might also apply a vitamin E cream or an antibiotic ointment to the scabs once or twice a day. External Parasites There are three kinds of external parasites that can be a problem for rats: mites, lice, and fleas. The simplest to identify, although the least common cause of problem in rats, are fleas, which are about 2 mm long. Lice can cause rats to itch and scratch out hair, but don’t usually cause damage to the skin. Mites Fungus. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth For Small Pets - PureEarthD. Product List - Not Found. The Rat Report. Rat & Mouse Gazette: Medical Corner: Drug Usage Chart for Rats. Pain Medications. This is from Debbie Ducommun's Rat Health Care booklet: Treating Pain and Inflammation: "For pain you can give rats aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen. Choosing the correct analgesic should be based on the type of pain and the rat's general state of health. Of these only acetaminophen (Tylenol) should be used after surgery, since it's the only one that doesn't promote bleeding.

Acetaminophen--As effective as aspirin, except not effective in rheumatoid arthritis. Aspirin--Effective in most types of pain. Ibuprofen--More effective pain killer than aspirin or acetaminophen. "Ferrets, Rabbits & Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery" by Hillyer and Quesenberry also has dosages for several painkillers. Aspirin 100 mg/kg q4h; PO Codeine 60 mg/kg q4h; SC Finally, Butorphanol is an analgesic and sedative, especially useful after surgery. You may have to learn how to give a subcutaneous injection (it's easy in the loose skin of the neck).

Pain Medication Guide for Pet Rats et al. | Rattitude – Where Rats Rule! Posted by Mr.Rattitude on August 25, 2008 with 1 Comment | Short Link Drug name* Species Dose Frequency Controlled substance? Aspirin Rodents 100-400 mg/kg 1-2X per day No Meloxicam Rats 1.0 mg/kg Daily Buphrenorphine 0.01-0.02 mg/ml drinking water Yes 0.5 mg/kg in jello Carprofen 5-10 mg/kg in water or jello Daily or once post-operatively Ibuprofen Mice 30 mg/kg— 4.7 ml Children’s Motrin in 500 ml water 15 mg/kg— 2.35 ml Children’s Motrin in 500 ml water Ketoprofen 5 mg/kg * Because of its potential for abuse, use of Buphrenorphine in water would need to be approved by the Office of Regulatory Affairs and done in accordance with all rules regarding controlled substances Drug* Route Controlled?

0.05-0.1 mg/kg Butorphanol 1-2 mg/kg Every 4 hours Flunixin meglumine (Banamine) 2.5 mg/kg Rodent Morphine Every 2-4 hours 5-10 mg/kg * Ketoprofen and Buphrenophine are used as injectable drugs with good pain relieving capacities. Ibuprofen has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and an anti-pyretic (fever) activity. Jello recipes: Drug name Rat. Medication Guide. The Rat Medication Guide is designed to provide basic information only, in order to help rat owners better understand the medications prescribed by their veterinarians.

Information found here should not be used for any other purpose. Only a qualified doctor of veterinary medicine should diagnose, treat, or prescribe medications for your rat. As the author of the Rat Medication Guide, I have tried to make every effort to double-check the data, to reference valid resources, and to keep medication information updated. The Rat Guide, its associates, affiliates, this author and owner, assume no responsibility for the reader’s misuse of this information. If your rat is ill please seek the advice of your veterinarian prior to the use of any medications. It is also advisable to check with a pharmacist if you intend to use or mix more than one medication together to ensure safety in administration.

This guide is adjunctive to the RMCA Drug Chart. Lactobacillus / Lactobacilli. Brand BENE-BAC Pet Gel (manufacturer: Pet-Ag. ,Inc.) Availability Comes in 15 gm (or smaller) gel tubes. Pharmacology BENE-BAC, labeled as a small animal dietary supplement, is a probiotic that contains the following based on manufacturer description: Live Lactic Acid Producing Bacteria: 10 million colony forming units per gram of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus faecium, and Lactobacillus casei. Indications To help maintain or reestablish healthy gut flora needed for a healthy digestive system when antibiotic therapy is required. Drug Interactions or Contraindications None reported. Adverse Reactions None reported. Dosage Recommendations 1/4 of a gm. or 0.25 gms of oral gel. 12 Give PO (oral) during antibiotic treatment period, then 5-7 days beyond cessation; give 2 hour prior to or 2 hour following antibiotic treatment. 1 26 34 *Note: there are varied opinions among veterinarians with regard as to when to begin probiotic treatment.


Respiratory Problems

Drug Therapy in Pet Rodents.