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Neo-Gramscian Portal. Squattercity. KARABURUN BİLİM KONGRESİ. Praksis: Uc aylik sosyal bilimler dergisi. Grosz, "Reconfiguring Lesbian Desire" In “Reconfiguring Lesbian Desire”, Grosz begins by stating her problems with the way desire has been articulated.

Grosz, "Reconfiguring Lesbian Desire"

She critiques the ontology of lack as necessitating binarism. Grosz argues that the ontology of lack sexualizes desire in terms of the characteristics attributed to masculine/feminine opposition: presence and absence (177). She holds that “such a model…performs an act of violence: for any consideration of the autonomy of the two sexes, particularly the autonomy of women, is rendered impossible. Interview with Judith Butler(english) by Regina Michalik. The desire for philosophy Interview with Judith Butler, the American philosopher, during her visit to in Berlin, in May 2001, invited by the American Academy.

Interview with Judith Butler(english) by Regina Michalik

The interview was conducted by Regina Michalik (LOLApress) Judith, you call yourself a feminist - how do you identify your work? Renate Stendhal, Seven Stages of Lesbian Desire. Public Sphere Forum. Welcome to FCMappers!


Antropoloji. Public Data Sources.