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Search Results(performer:Hall +(memberOf:"afc9999005"))Performing Arts Encyclopedia, Library of Congress. Turkish Village Contents. Anthropology in the news blog. Anthropologist Tereza Kuldova, author of many book reviews here on has recently defended her PhD-thesis Designing Elites: Fashion and Prestige in Urban North India".

anthropology in the news blog

Now she has turned her thesis into a museum exhibition and an edited volume called Fashion India. Spectacular Capitalism. Ethnographic Terminalia.


Open Anthropology Cooperative. The Memory Bank. The Cambridge Torres Strait expedition and British social anthropology. What follows is a transcript of a lecture I gave to a conference, ‘Anthropology and psychology: the legacy of the Torres Strait expedition, 1898-1998′, which was held in St.

The Cambridge Torres Strait expedition and British social anthropology

John’s College, Cambridge, 10-12 August 1998. It was published online by Science as Culture and may still be found there. I have chosen to revive it now because my partner in organizing the conference, Paul Whittle (1938-2009), died last week. Paul was a marvellous companion in this project. We found each other through a common interest in W.H.R. Sometimes only death reveals an individual’s importance for us. Introduction Why organize a conference to mark the centenary of the Cambridge Anthropology Expedition to the Torres Straits? For the conventional wisdom is that modern British social anthropology was born without significant antecedents in 1922, when the publication of monographs by Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown launched a “functionalist revolution”.

Between evolution and ethnography. How We Know by Freeman Dyson. Fitch-Febvrel Gallery Érik Desmazières: , from his series of illustrations for Jorge Luis Borges’s story ‘The Library of Babel,’ 1997–2001. A new volume of Desmazières’s catalogue raisonné will be published by the Fitch-Febvrel Gallery later this year. Illustration © 2011 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris. James Gleick’s first chapter has the title “Drums That Talk.”

It explains the concept of information by looking at a simple example. Sadly, the drum language was only understood and recorded by a single European before it started to disappear. Carrington understood how the structure of the Kele language made drum language possible. In 1954 a visitor from the United States came to Carrington’s mission school. The story of the drum language illustrates the central dogma of information theory. Another example illustrating the central dogma is the French optical telegraph. The distance between neighbors was about seven miles. NASA/JPL-Caltech. The TENT Archive.

Medical anthropology

Visual anthropology.