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Legends of Europe. Journée européenne des langues > Games > Language Quiz. Az bg bs ca cs cy da de el en es et eu fi fr fy ga gl hr hu hy is it ka lb lt lv me mk mt nl nn pl pt ro ru sk sl sq sr sv tr uk À propos de la Journée européenne des langues Qu'est-ce que la Journée européenne des langues? Pourquoi une Journée européenne des langues ?

Entrer dans une ère polyglotte Eloge de la diversité linguistique Participer Qui peut participer? Comment participer? T-shirt Articles de promotion Téléchargements Evénements Evénements de la JEL La Commission européenne 20 event suggestions Map Activités Concours de t-shirt Le voyage linguistique Les défis linguistiques Language challenge app Multilingual tongue twister challenge The beauty of languages Languages in my classroom Faits Quelques faits sur les langues Le saviez-vous?

Les langues des signes Célébrités parlant plusieurs langues Noms de lieux Myth or fact? Quotes Questions you never dared to ask about languages Jeux Jeu «Parle-moi» Quiz sur les langues Jeu en langues des signes De quelle langue s’agit-il ? Where am I? Brain game: Greek alphabet. Kids corner - EU Publications - Publications Office of the EU. Learning Corner | Teaching material, games and much more about the European Union and its activities, for teachers, children and teenagers.

#TheFutureisYours: Debate the Future of Europe now! The Conference on the Future of Europe is a unique opportunity for European citizens to debate Europe’s challenges and priorities. No matter where you are from or what you do, this is the place to think about what future you want for the European Union. The European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission have committed to listen to Europeans and to follow up, within their remit, on the ideas and proposals made.

As secondary school teachers, you can trigger key contributions from your students and give them a genuine experience of participatory democracy from the classroom. Get involved and speak up at the Conference through the multilingual digital Platform – the digital hub of the Conference. Check the “Network with teachers” section of Learning Corner to find out how you can bring people-led democracy to your class and contribute to this pan-European discussion.

Partir à l'étranger. Passe World : serious game pour partir à l'étranger. EURO CASH ACADEMY - BCE – Notre Monnaie. We wish to use the electronic media and/or print media produced by the European Central Bank (ECB) to inform others. We declare that: 1. Any information or materials received from the ECB will be used for information purposes only. 2. We will not use the “€ OUR MONEY” logo for purposes that could be detrimental to the euro, or for commercial or advertising purposes, and we will adhere to the style guidelines provided in the Partnership Programme. 3. Any electronic materials, pictures, files or documents provided by the ECB will remain its sole property. The ECB will reserve its or third-party copyrights. This privacy notice is made on behalf of the European Central Bank (ECB) and applies to Havas 360, its sub-contractors and all central banks referred to as data processors below.

A. 1) You have the right to see the information that we have about you and to get mistakes corrected by contacting Havas 360; 2) You have the right to delete your account with Havas 360. B. C. D. EESC Game. LearnEnglish Kids | British Council | Etre jeune en Europe : comparatif avec les autres pays. Click on the image for an interactive view of the data Introduction Executive summary 1. Demographic trends 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.