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Tools for Thinking from Terrapin. How Geniuses Think. Alan N. Shapiro, Technologist and Futurist. Ephemeral territories: representing ... Politics of touch: sense, movement ... Relationscapes: movement, art ... Zebrowski32.pdf (application/pdf Object) Kalama Sutta. Platonism & Alchemy Part 1. 100 Most Inspirational Quotes Of All Time. A Singular Creation - Art Community - Art Contests and Opportuni. A Singular Creation - Art Community - Art Contests and Opportuni. Out of Control is a summary of what we know about self-sustaining systems, both living ones such as a tropical wetland, or an artificial one, such as a computer simulation of our planet.

The last chapter of the book, "The Nine Laws of God," is a distillation of the nine common principles that all life-like systems share. The major themes of the book are: As we make our machines and institutions more complex, we have to make them more biological in order to manage them.The most potent force in technology will be artificial evolution. We are already evolving software and drugs instead of engineering them.Organic life is the ultimate technology, and all technology will improve towards biology.The main thing computers are good for is creating little worlds so that we can try out the Great Questions. Online communities let us ask the question "what is a democracy; what do you need for it?

" The Fifth and Sixth Discontinuity. Philosopher Bruce Mazlish claims that the eyes of science have overthrown humanity’s view of itself in a series of revelations. At each unveiling, we descend one notch. In the first removal, Copernicus dethroned our common-sense assumption that our world stood at the center of the universe. Astronomy eventually revealed, with a shock, that we were a minor tribe huddled on a small speck circling a nondescript star at the outer edge of an immense average galaxy floating among a trillion others in one small corner of the universe. The noble distinction between us and the rest of the universe was eliminated to reveal a continuous continuity of existence. Our perceived exceptionalism was demoted to the ordinary. Within the universe, we were not set apart, but dwelt in a continuum. The second break from the exalted was launched by Darwin, who revealed that the exceptional discontinuity we perceived between ourselves and other animals or plants was equally illusionary.

Philip Zimbardo on "The Secret Powers of Time"