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Yahoo Pipes

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Yahoo! Pipes is a web application from Yahoo! That provides a graphical user interface for building data mashups that aggregate web feeds, web pages, and other services, creating Web-based apps from various sources, and publishing those apps.

The application works by enabling users to "pipe" information from different sources and then set up rules for how that content should be modified (for example, filtering). A typical example is New York Times through Flickr,[1] a pipe which takes The New York Times RSS feed and adds a photo from Flickr based on the keywords of each item. Other than the pipe editing page, the website has a documentation page and a discussion page.

Documentation page contains information about pipes, a user guide on pipe edition and a troubleshooting guide. The discussion page enables users to discuss the pipes with other users. The site is currently in beta. Pipes and Filters for the Internet. Yahoo!’ S new Pipes service is a milestone in the history of the internet. It’s a service that generalizes the idea of the mashup, providing a drag and drop editor that allows you to connect internet data sources, process them, and redirect the output.

Yahoo! Describes it as “an interactive feed aggregator and manipulator” that allows you to “create feeds that are more powerful, useful and relevant.” While it’s still a bit rough around the edges, it has enormous promise in turning the web into a programmable environment for everyone. Before I get into the details of what it is and how it works, I want to give a little background on why I’m so excited. Back in the summer of 1997, at our first Perl conference, Jon Udell (who is among the most prescient of technology visionaries and the prototype for my concept of the alpha geek) gave a talk that electrified me.

To a remarkable degree, today’s Web already is a vast collection of network services. OK. Browse Pipes. Rewire the web. Search · yahoo pipes. Pipes - Module Reference. The modules in the Pipes Editor have been grouped into categories based on their functionality. To learn more about the modules, and to see them used in example Pipes, click on the categories below: Sources Most Pipes begin with a data source. These modules grab data from somewhere on the internet and bring it into your Pipe for processing. User Inputs These modules let you define parameters for your Pipe. These inputs can be fed into other modules in your Pipe. Operators These modules transform and filter data flowing through your Pipe.

URL This module manipulates URLs. String These modules help manipulate and combine text strings. Date These modules define and format dates. Location These modules help convert text strings to geographic locations. Number This module provides basic arithmetic operations. Deprecated These modules will continue to work however, we're discouraging their use because we've introduced new modules with improved functionality. Pipes - Frequently Asked Questions. Pipes Help > Overview What is Pipes?

Pipes is a free online service that lets you remix popular feed types and create data mashups using a visual editor. You can use Pipes to run your own web projects, or publish and share your own web services without ever having to write a line of code. Building a Pipe You make a Pipe by dragging pre-configured modules onto a canvas and wiring them together in the Pipes Editor. Each Pipe consists of two or more modules, each of which performs a single, specific task. For example, the Fetch module will retrieve a feed URL, while the Sort module will re-order a feed based on criteria you provide (you can find a complete list of available modules in the documentation.)

Each module has one or more terminals, represented by small circles in the interface. In addition to data feeds, Pipes also lets you add user input fields into your Pipe. The easiest way to understand Pipes is to build one yourself - try editing one of our sample Pipes for a quick start. Pipes Adds Interactive Yahoo! Maps, KML Support (and More) | Yahoo! Pipes Blog. The Pipes team is proud to announce two new features that we’ve been working on that enhance our support for GeoData. First, we added a interactive Yahoo!

Map to the runpage of any Pipe containing GeoData. To see this feature in action run the Apartment Near Something Pipe. Here’s a still image of what the map looks like: Second, we added an additional output renderer which allows Pipes containing GeoData to be emitted as a KML file. We posted a followup entry that highlights some example Pipes that make use the new Geo features. In addition to our enhanced geolocation support there are some other improvements to announce: You can now inline edit the Title and Description text listed on the runpage for your Pipes.We’ve added the ability to filter dates using the options “before” and “after” in the Filter Module. Pipes and Filters for the Internet. Learn How to Build a Pipe in Just a Few Minutes on Yahoo!

Rewire the web. Yahoo! Pipes. Yahoo! Pipes is a web application from Yahoo! That provides a graphical user interface for building data mashups that aggregate web feeds, web pages, and other services, creating Web-based apps from various sources, and publishing those apps. The application works by enabling users to "pipe" information from different sources and then set up rules for how that content should be modified (for example, filtering). A typical example is New York Times through Flickr,[1] a pipe which takes The New York Times RSS feed and adds a photo from Flickr based on the keywords of each item.

Other than the pipe editing page, the website has a documentation page and a discussion page. Documentation page contains information about pipes, a user guide on pipe edition and a troubleshooting guide. History[edit] Yahoo! Purpose[edit] The purpose of Yahoo! Creating and editing a Pipe[edit] To create or edit a pipe, user has to sign up with a Yahoo! The Canvas[edit] The Library[edit] Sources[edit] User Inputs[edit]