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Unix/Linux Distro Translations

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Linux and Unix commands, information, and help. FreeBSD Technical Support. Unix commands & unix scripts @ - the search engine for unix sysadmins :: Solaris, AIX, Linux, HP/UX, BSD, SCO. Unix Toolbox. Hardware | Statistics | Users | Limits | Runlevels | root password | Compile kernel | Repair grub | Misc Running kernel and system information # uname -a # Get the kernel version (and BSD version) # lsb_release -a # Full release info of any LSB distribution # cat /etc/SuSE-release # Get SuSE version # cat /etc/debian_version # Get Debian version Use /etc/DISTR-release with DISTR= lsb (Ubuntu), redhat, gentoo, mandrake, sun (Solaris), and so on.

See also /etc/issue. # uptime # Show how long the system has been running + load # hostname # system's host name # hostname -i # Display the IP address of the host. Hardware Informations Kernel detected hardware # dmesg # Detected hardware and boot messages # lsdev # information about installed hardware # dd if=/dev/mem bs=1k skip=768 count=256 2>/dev/null | strings -n 8 # Read BIOS Linux FreeBSD Load, statistics and messages The following commands are useful to find out what is going on on the system.

Users Limits Per shell/script Per user/process System wide. AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, LINUX, SOLARIS & Tru64) Rosetta Stone for Unix. Footnotes 1. In System V-based Unixes, run level relates to booting, shutdown, and single-user mode. In BSD, it has to do with security. 2. Freeware or separately downloadable; not part of the base OS. See the precompiled binaries task or web search. 3. 4. ioscan -funC disk may be helpful here to determine device path. 5. Universal Command Guide is a large book which covers several of the OSs in this table. has a similar table covering fewer Unix versions and a somewhat different set of tasks. Colin Barschel's Unix Toolbox is a wonderfully detailed handbook sorted by task area and giving both commands and config file excerpts for Linux and BSD. coolcommands is a search engine giving one-line command examples:

Solaris / HP-UX / FreeBSD / Linux / AIX: Solaris / HP-UX: Unix / DOS: USENIX: