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Jrodl3r/h5bp-codekit. Compass Recipes, CSS recipes using Sass & Compass mixins and functions. Compass Home | Compass Documentation. 25 Essential Sass and Compass Tools. CSS' simplicity is one of its defining features, and a big reason for its popularity. However, as websites and applications become more complex, the size and complexity of stylesheets also increase. CSS can quickly become verbose and repetitive.

But a preprocessor like Sass expands the capabilities of CSS by allowing you to use variables to store values, create mixins for common snippets, nest declarations and help improve the maintainability of the entire project. Created in 2006, Sass has two syntaxes: the original (also called the "indented syntax") and SCSS, or "Sassy CSS," the more popular of the two, as it makes converting an existing website to Sass simple (by changing the file extension from .css to .scss).

Compass is the companion open-source CSS authoring framework for Sass. There are a variety of tutorials, guides, podcasts, videos, presentations and even books on Sass. Have we missed one of your preferred Sass and Compass resources? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Scout - Compass and Sass without all the hassle. KKBOX/CompassApp. compile Sass/Compass easily without resorting to command line interface.

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