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Repo Managers

Repository Management with Maven Repository Managers. Why do I need a Repository Manager? Maven Repository managers serve two purposes: they act as highly configurable proxies between your organization and the public Maven repositories and they also provide an organization with a deployment destination for your own generated artifacts. Proxying a Maven repository brings a number of benefits. Proxying speeds up builds throughout your organization by installing a local cache for all artifacts from the Central Maven repository. If a developer in your organization needs to download version 2.5 of the Spring Framework and you are using a Maven Repository Manager, the dependencies (and the dependency's dependencies) only need to be downloaded from the remote repository once. If your project is relying on a number of SNAPSHOT dependencies, Maven will need to check for updated version of these snapshots.

The List of Repository Managers The Following is a list of the known Maven repository managers and listed in alphabetical order: Apache Archiva. Repository Management with Maven Repository Managers. Guide to Mirror Settings. Using Mirrors for Repositories Repositories are declared inside a project, which means that if you have your own custom repositories, those sharing your project easily get the right settings out of the box.

However, you may want to use an alternative mirror for a particular repository without changing the project files. Some reasons to use a mirror are: There is a synchronized mirror on the internet that is geographically closer and fasterYou want to replace a particular repository with your own internal repository which you have greater control overYou want to run a repository manager to provide a local cache to a mirror and need to use its URL instead To configure a mirror of a given repository, you provide it in your settings file (${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml), giving the new repository its own id and url, and specify the mirrorOf setting that is the ID of the repository you are using a mirror of.

<settings> ... Note that there can be at most one mirror for a given repository. Guide to Mirror Settings. Directory Browsing Disabled. Introduction to Repositories. Introduction to Repositories Artifact Repositories A repository in Maven is used to hold build artifacts and dependencies of varying types. There are strictly only two types of repositories: local and remote. The local repository refers to a copy on your own installation that is a cache of the remote downloads, and also contains the temporary build artifacts that you have not yet released. Remote repositories refer to any other type of repository, accessed by a variety of protocols such as and These repositories might be a truly remote repository set up by a third party to provide their artifacts for downloading (for example, and house Maven's central repository).

The local and remote repositories are structured the same way so that scripts can easily be run on either side, or they can be synced for offline used. Why not Store JARs in CVS? It is not recommended that you store your JARs in CVS. This has the following advantages: