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Ramaze: a Ruby framework that will amaze. Posted on Jan 8th, 2008 in Programming | 10 comments Lately the Ruby community has experienced a surge of new web frameworks. Most of them are respectable and promising open source projects created by people who tried to create lightweight but valid alternatives to Rails. Do I think that they will rise to fame just like Rails did? Of course not, but they are not hopeless copycats either, because they express a different “software opinion” while maintaing similar but not identical goals. I think it’s important to give proper exposure to the most up and coming ones. Besides Rails and Nitro, by now most of you will have heard about Ezra’s excellent Merb and _why’s Camping, but would you be interested in the framework with the following characteristics?

A framework like this exists, and it’s called Ramaze (pronounced ra-ma-ze, Japanese style, even if the name comes from Ruby-Amaze). Require 'rubygems' require 'ramaze' class MainController < Ramaze::Controller def index 'Hello, Ramaze! ' Ramaze. Development on Ramaze started in the summer of 2006 out of disagreement with the direction of Ruby on Rails. Originally the code of Ramaze was based on its own core but in March 2009 this was replaced by a micro framework called Innate, also developed by the author of Ramaze. A primary design goal for Ramaze is to mix of KISS and POLS, to improve ease of use. Another goal during development of Ramaze was to make every part modular, and therefore reusable. Example[edit] require 'ramaze' class MyController < Ramaze::Controller map '/' # GET / def index "Hello, Ramaze!

" External links[edit] (99+) Ramaze – Google Groups. Ramaze. Ramaze: Another Light Ruby Web Framework, But With MVC! Home · Ramaze/ramaze Wiki. Home · Ramaze/ramaze Wiki. File: README — Documentation by YARD Ramaze is a very simple and straight-forward web-framework. The philosophy of it could be expressed in a mix of KISS and POLS, trying to make simple things simple and complex things possible. This of course is nothing new to anyone who knows some Ruby, but is often forgotten in a chase for new functionality and features. Ramaze only tries to give you the ultimate tools, but you have to use them yourself to achieve perfect custom-tailored results.

Another one of the goals during development of Ramaze was to make every part as modular and therefore reusable as possible, not only to provide a basic understanding after the first glance, but also to make it as simple as possible to reuse parts of the code. The original purpose of Ramaze was to act as a kind of framework to build web-frameworks, this was made obsolete by the introduction of Rack, which provides this feature at a better level without trying to enforce any structural layout of the resulting framework. $ gem install ramaze License.

Ramaze • The Web Framework for Rubyists.