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Padrino & Sinatra

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Padrino (web framework) Padrino was created and open-sourced in 2010. The framework was originally created by Nathan Esquenazi, Davide D'Agostino and Arthur Chiu based on the prior sinatra_more gem. The framework was created in order to extend Sinatra to more easily support rich web applications. Padrino, as of March 2013, has 7 developers that comprise the core development team.[3] This is a list of major functionality Padrino provides on top of Sinatra:[4] Note that as a user of Padrino, each of the major components can be pulled in separately to an existing Sinatra application or they can be used altogether for a comprehensive upgrade to Sinatra (a full-stack Padrino application). Ruby on Rails. Padrino (web framework)


Pilu/web-app-theme. Blog Addressing Concerns about Padrino - Padrino Ruby Web Framework. Over the last week, we have taken the first steps towards showing Padrino to a larger audience of Ruby and Sinatra fans. Our team and other developers have gotten around to announcing Padrino on RubyInside, Rubyflow, the Ruby5 Podcast, Hacker News, the Sinatra Google Group, among other sources. The chatter on twitter and the fact that Padrino has become a most watched ruby repo this month on Github shows this little framework is gaining an audience. Thus far, our team has been very pleased with the feedback that we have gotten even already after the various announcements.

The response has been overwhelmingly positive and constructive and we wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to explore what Padrino is all about! At the same time, there have been a couple questions that have popped up along with some valid criticisms and/or confusion as to what the Padrino framework is all about. Why another web framework? How does Padrino compare to Monk, Chicago, sinatra_more, Pancake, etc?

Guides Standalone Usage in Sinatra - Padrino Ruby Web Framework. Introduction Padrino is by default a full-stack framework which provides a large number of enhancements to Sinatra and uses a new base application Padrino::Application. However, there are clearly times when even Padrino itself is far too ‘heavyweight’ for an application. In these instances, the ideal situation would be to cherry-pick individual enhancements and use them in your existing Sinatra application. Fortunately, Padrino is committed to allowing you to do exactly that! Each major component within Padrino can be used in isolation and applied to an existing Sinatra application.

This guide will walk you through that process for each component. Padrino Helpers This component provides a great deal of view helpers related to html markup generation. You can check out the details of these helpers in the Application Helpers guide. . # app.rbrequire 'sinatra/base'require 'padrino-helpers' class Application < Sinatra::Base register Padrino::Helpersend Padrino Mailer Padrino Routing Padrino Cache.

Padrino/padrino-framework. Blog Tutorial. Padrino: A Webapp Framework Wrapped Around Sinatra. The Elegant Ruby Web Framework - Padrino Ruby Web Framework.