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Access Logs - Elastic Load Balancing. The Elastic Load Balancing access logs capture detailed information for all requests made to your load balancer. Each log contains details such as the time a request was received, client’s IP address, latencies, request path, and server responses. You can use Elastic Load Balancing access logs to analyze traffic patterns and to troubleshoot your back-end applications.

This topic provides you with an overview of Elastic Load Balancing access logs and describes how to enable or disable access logs for your load balancer. Access logging is an optional feature of Elastic Load Balancing. This feature is disabled by default. You must explicitly enable your load balancer to capture and deliver the logs. After you enable this feature, Elastic Load Balancing captures the logs and stores them in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket you specify.

There is no additional charge for access logs. The load balancer can deliver multiple logs for the same period. Partner Solutions. Analyze Elastic Load Balancing Log Data - Amazon Elastic MapReduce. Elbadmin - boto - Python interface to Amazon Web Services. ELB Reference — boto v2.32.0. Cloud, Big Data and Mobile: Dissecting Amazon ELB : 18 things you should know. While designing highly scalable systems load balancing tier becomes an integral part of any architecture.

We have captured some of our prior experiences working with Amazon ELB in this article as points detailed below. Some of the points mentioned here will be encountered only by advanced users in complex use cases. But surely if you/your team have noted some of these points, I feel it might shorten your efforts while debugging a problem or designing a solution and not go through the same effort cycle and pain as our team.In AWS, there are wide variety of solution choices for the Load balancing layer like Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) , EC2 AMI’s like HAProxy , Nginx , Zeus , Citrix NetScaler.

In this article we are going to dissect our experience with Amazon ELB layer as X points which you will not frequently encounter in Amazon documents or blogosphere. Currently there are 18 points in this article and i am having plans to add some more in coming days . Article under progress. Solving Common ELB Problems with a Sanity Test. Common ELB Problems Okay, now that you know what information is important to diagnosing the problem, here is a look at some of the common gotchas, how to detect them, and how to fix them.

These descriptions refer to the above questions by number.Common problems and solutions include:Security groups on back-end instances don’t allow access to the instance ports and health check port. Back-end instances must have all ports on which they receive traffic from the ELB (#1) open to CIDR in one of their associated security groups (#6). Fix this by changing the permissions on the security groups associated with the instances. Note: this fix takes effect within a few seconds and does not require launching new instance or rebooting existing instances.Back-end instances are not healthy (InService). When an instance fails the health check (#1) it is marked as OutOfService (#2) and the ELB does not route traffic to it anymore.

An ELB Sanity Test Utility Next, unpack it: cd elb-sanity-test .