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Chrome and SPNEGO « about:nothing. Update: The landscape on OS X has changed since this post was written.

Chrome and SPNEGO « about:nothing

Hugh Cole Baker provided in a comment an excellent mechanism for setting self-managed policy on OS X which beats my clunky wrapper; Lion’s Kerberos support has changed in a way which prevents SPNEGO working for our Cosign servers (though a fix at our end is planned); Chrome on Linux gained a proper managed configuration, which we use locally (I produced the lcfg-chrome component for this purpose). I was most impressed by the efficient conclusion to the enhancement request for SPNEGO on Chrome, but having read that the request had been met, I struggled for far too long to discover how to activate it.

Configure Chromium to authenticate using SPNEGO and Kerberos. Objective To configure Chromium (or Google Chrome) to authenticate using SPNEGO and Kerberos Background Kerberos is an authentication protocol that supports the concept of Single Sign-On (SSO).

Configure Chromium to authenticate using SPNEGO and Kerberos

Having authenticated once at the start of a session, users can access network services throughout a Kerberos realm without authenticating again. Configure Chromium to authenticate using SPNEGO and Kerberos. Why does Negotiate/SPNEGO/GSSAPI/Kerberos not work with the Chrome Browser on Windows [or Mac]? Possible? HTTP authentication. Issue 33033 - chromium - Add GSSAPI support to Linux and OSX for Negotiate - An open-source project to help move the web forward.