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Beyondpad a management system of notes, tasks, diaries, maps | Tech News Blog. If you have a minute’s time, I invertidlo watching the video presentation Beyondpad ( ) that here you have a new platform that can help us better manage our daily tasks, grouping both obligations and notes. “As simple or as complex as you want.” This was advertised as a free tool whose structure can be customized so much that can transform it into a real control panel planes, sections, colors, times, notes, mind maps, charts relation of ideas and more.

We can create notes of various types, with labels classify, organize and filter templates for easy grouping. You may even create data entry forms for the time we invest in our projects, making it an excellent choice for professionals who charge per hour worked. The items created can be arranged by dragging them with the mouse and dropping them in the right place, always gathering panels to differentiate the different jobs that we are busy at all times. Like this: Like Loading... Beyondpad - Introduction screencast. Beyondpad and Data Driven Note Taking - ErgoNotes. Web based note taking service Beyondpad has a unique way of storing, organizing and presenting your personal data. Let’s take a closer look at it. Before going details, I just wish to present the pros and cons of the tool.

Pros Beyondpad offers so many features and option to make an informative noteIt’s smooth and responsive.The Trackers, Boards and Tag linking features can be used to stay more organized Cons At some points, Beyondpad may seem to be complexThe tool does not offer multimedia support so farText formatting tools could offer more What People Say About Beyondpad? I explored to know the feelings of other people regarding Beyondpad. However, some of them found stability issues with the note taking service. Hands-on With Beyondpad Visit to use the service and sign up for an account. You can also sign in with your existing Google, Facebook or Twitter account. Signing up requires only an email address and password. Here is a number of sample notes. Writing a Note Trackers. Beyondpad - data driven note taking.