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.net. Ajax. Wf. Word2007. Sql. Silverlight. Gis. Next Generation Production Debugging: Slides, Code and Demo Tran. To each and every one of you who attended my TechEd session – thanks!

Next Generation Production Debugging: Slides, Code and Demo Tran

There are so many interesting talks and I appreciate the fact you have chosen mine. As I promised, this post is a summary of slides, demo code and the transcripts of each demo I’ve shown throughout the session. (As soon as the session recording will be available, I will update this post with a link to it.) I divided the demo transcripts into a series of posts because they are fairly long.

You can find everything I’ve written regarding the TechEd at the TechEd08 blog tag. Programmatically Generating a Dump File - All Your Base Are Belo. I’ve discussed dump analysis on several occasions, including detailed walkthroughs of native and managed issues – crashes, hangs, deadlocks and the rest of the bug zoo.

Programmatically Generating a Dump File - All Your Base Are Belo

(Alon has just recently been to this bug zoo and promised me pictures.) Oftentimes it’s useful to generate a dump programmatically. For example, if your application fails and you want to record the data and send it over the network or persist it to some durable storage, you can do so without relying on Windows Error Reporting or other mechanisms. [DllImportAttribute("dbghelp.dll")] [return: MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.Bool)]