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Smoothies and Juices

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Refreshing Cherry Spritzer (Vegan & Gluten-Free) 13 Refreshing Smoothie & Green Juice Recipes. Here in southern California where the sun shines bright and healthy living is always on the mind, the “liquid meal” trend has totally captivated our focus.

13 Refreshing Smoothie & Green Juice Recipes

Where fitness is a huge part of our lives and for some of us, a career, green juices and smoothies are redefining foods as fuel in order to maximize athletic output. As a yoga instructor, I am constantly chatting with students and fellow teachers about their latest and greatest juice or smoothie recipe, excitedly exclaiming “kale, berries, chia!” Or some variation of that in passing between classes. Perfect as the first meal of the day, as a mid-day pick-me-up or as a post-workout recovery, juices and smoothies keep you feeling fully satisfied, yet light as a feather. Here are some tried and true favorite recipes from our San Diego juicing community to yours: 1. 2. 7 Foods To Supercharge Your Smoothies. Would you like to experience greater levels of vitality in your life?

7 Foods To Supercharge Your Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to ensure you get the proper amount of plant based nutritional goodness in your diet, particularly if you have a busy lifestyle. I love to start my day by blending up a fresh fruit or green smoothie as I find that it sets me up for an amazing day full of energy. Personally, I like to pack as much nutritional value into my morning smoothies as I can. Over the summer months, I enjoy adding in seasonal and locally grown fruits and vegetables to my smoothies. I also like to super-charge them by mixing in an array of superfoods. Below are seven of the best foods that you can start adding to your smoothies for that extra nutritional punch. 1. Spirulina is an algae and is one of the true superfoods. 2. Wheat grass is another excellent addition to any green smoothie and can be added in either powdered or liquid form. Juice vs. Smoothie: What's Your Drink?

Juicing versus Blending. April 7, 2014 By: Leanne Ely I love my fresh delicious green juices, and I love my amazing morning smoothies.

Juicing versus Blending

Some people think that juicing vegetables and fruits is wasteful, tossing out the fibrous pulp. These folks are more interested in blending their produce into smoothies than juicing them and discarding the pulp. But I believe there’s room in your diet for both smoothies and juices. Today, we’re going to talk about the basic benefits of juicing and why it is so different than blending foods into a smoothie. How to juice Juicing means putting your fruits and veggies into a juicer where the pulp, seeds and peelings are separated from the juice.

(Some people save that pulp to add to soup stocks, by the way. Why juice We have a webinar tomorrow with a juicing aficionado who’s going to tell us ALL about the benefits of juicing, but for now, a short list of juicing benefits: Nutrient absorption. Cleansing. Give your system a break. Enjoy This Article? What are the Health Benefits of Juicing? Congratulations!

What are the Health Benefits of Juicing?

You have made some great changes to your life. The last step will be to implement a juicing plan. I am firmly convinced that the benefits of juicing are the keys to giving you a radiant, energetic life, and truly optimal health. I've said this in the other levels of this nutrition plan, but it's so important I'll say it again - valuable and sensitive micronutrients become damaged when you heat foods. Cooking and processing food destroys these micronutrients by altering their shape and chemical composition. Smart Juicing. By Sheila Mulrooney Eldred / June 2012: Amplify Your Energy Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Smart Juicing

We should all be eating more fresh vegetables. In the best of all possible worlds, we’d enjoy fresh organic produce from our gardens several times a day. In the real world, however, it can be challenging to meet that quota. If your diet consistently comes up short on this front, many experts agree that juicing your produce can help you increase your intake. We’re not talking about commercial juice drinks here (no hypersweet fruit-punch-style concoctions), but vibrant, nutrient-packed refreshments made primarily with hearty vegetables — kale, broccoli and sweet peppers, for example — and perhaps a little fresh fruit added mostly for flavor.

“I see juicing as an easy, delicious way to get a big bowl of vegetables, fast,” says Seattle-based nutritionist Cherie Calbom, MS, author of several books on the subject, including The Juice Lady’s Turbo Diet (Siloam, 2010). Juice Smart. 5 Things You Need To Know About Juicing. Like most of us, I used to run on coffee and sugar.

5 Things You Need To Know About Juicing

A couple of lattes to wake me up in the morning and a chocolate bar to keep me going until lunch, which was a calorie-counted sandwich. Then another “healthy” oat bar (full of sugar) which would provide me with just enough energy to totter home and collapse in front of the TV and call for a pizza delivery. The trouble is that this lifestyle leads inevitably to physical and mental burnout.