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Latest Hospitality Industry News. Measuring the benefits of a green hotel. REPORT FROM THE U.S.

Measuring the benefits of a green hotel

—The verdict is still unclear whether going green puts green back into hoteliers’ pockets, according to sources. A recent study, “Hotel sustainability: Financial analysis shines a cautious green light,” found, on average, booking revenue neither increased nor decreased for eco-certified hotels. The study analyzed millions of individual bookings in more than 3,000 certified hotels, with a comparison group of 6,000 non-certified properties. Green Lodging News : Lodging's Leading Environmental News Source. Hospitality Net Mobile. PSFK - Inspiring Creative Business. News Archives. BusinessGreen - news, comment and analysis for the low carbon economy. Environment news, comment and analysis from the Guardian. Local London news, sport, jobs, cars, homes, leisure and local information from around the capital.