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Cambridge Online Education

CHS is the most established selective online independent school based in Cambridge UK A British education that will allow your child to progress to elite Universities worldwide including Oxford, Cambridge and Top US Universities

How to Get Rid of Distractions as an Online Student in London. As online schooling gains momentum across the UK, many students are making the switch from conventional (in-person) schooling to virtual learning.

How to Get Rid of Distractions as an Online Student in London

If you’re preparing for your IGCSEs or A-Levels examinations from London, make sure you get a strong head start. At a time when a plethora of distractions surrounds us, sticking to a schedule can be challenging. If you’re having trouble steering clear of common distractions like social media, video games, or local events, make sure you remember that you don’t have to cut them out entirely.

Moderation is key. As you prepare for your exams, minimising your reliance on these distractions is essential. 3 Benefits of Receiving an Interdisciplinary Education. An interdisciplinary education entails the integration of multiple academic disciplines, frameworks, theories, perspectives, and methodologies to offer a holistic learning experience.

3 Benefits of Receiving an Interdisciplinary Education

Instead of receiving a narrow education, students are exposed to multiple branches of knowledge. This is extremely beneficial for a student’s personal growth, academic development, and overall enrichment. Their critical thinking skills and cognitive abilities are strengthened, not just temporarily, but also in the long run. At Cambridge Home School, we offer an interdisciplinary education. Does Online Schooling Affect the Quintessential British Family Dynamic?

As the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic decreases, one would expect that life would gradually return to normal.

Does Online Schooling Affect the Quintessential British Family Dynamic?

More importantly, the changes that were implemented because of the pandemic would be reversed. In actuality, we have embraced some of the critical measures taken during the pandemic with open arms. As the pandemic loosens its grip on the UK, it’s important to note that we’re still relying on old habits that were developed in the thick of the COVID-19 crisis. Today, many people continue to work from home, shop online, and send their children to online school. Acquiring a British Education from Europe: 3 Tips for Parents. As a British expat living in Europe, you may feel slightly anxious about providing your child a quality British education.

Acquiring a British Education from Europe: 3 Tips for Parents

Parents often feel uneasy about selecting a local school that lacks the prestige, reputability, experience, and track record they’re seeking. Instead of settling for a fair-to-middling institution, we recommend going the extra mile and finding an institution that stands out for its quality of education. Unfortunately, you’ll struggle to find an esteemed conventional British school in Europe. 6 Common Online Schooling Mistakes You Should Avoid as a Parent. As we enter the second half of 2021, it’s safe to say that Virtual school online in UK is gradually becoming more common across the UK.

6 Common Online Schooling Mistakes You Should Avoid as a Parent

While some parents are still sending their children to conventional schools, others are actively looking into the benefits of providing their children a quality online education from home. Unsurprisingly, the list of benefits is extensive and appealing to both students and parents. Among these benefits, children’s safety, mental health, academic enrichment, personal growth, social development, and well-roundedness stand out. A Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling Two or More Children. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are making the switch from conventional schooling to online schooling for their children.

A Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling Two or More Children

Compared to the former, the latter offers various benefits. From increasing flexibility to reducing the risk of school bullying and/or harassment to maximising safety and protection, online learning benefits children tremendously. If you have two or more children, you may feel hesitant about homeschooling all of them. Many parents worry about the process being manageable.

Fortunately, it is. A Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling Two or More Children. Does Online Schooling Help Children Become More Empathetic? As a parent, you need to focus on instilling a wide range of key soft skills in your child.

Does Online Schooling Help Children Become More Empathetic?

Some of these include teamwork, self-assuredness, creative innovation, critical thinking, responsibility, and empathy. Today, we’ll focus on the latter. In 2021, empathy is one of the most valued soft skills across the globe. Empathetic students are incredibly perceptive and intuitive. They are able to recognise instances of impartiality, step up to the plate, and play their role in setting things right. How to Stay Motivated as You Prepare for Your A Levels From Home. Whether you’re new to online learning or a seasoned pro who has been attending virtual classes since childhood, preparing for your exams can be tricky.

How to Stay Motivated as You Prepare for Your A Levels From Home

No matter how much experience you have with online schooling, you may feel intimidated by the rigorousness and weightage of your A Levels exams. While this rite of passage may sound challenging, it’s not as hard as it’s made out to be. With the right preparation and mindset, you can secure top grades and enter your dream university. 3 Activities That Will Fuel Your Child’s Passion for All-Things-Science. As a parent, developing your child’s interest in science is imperative.

3 Activities That Will Fuel Your Child’s Passion for All-Things-Science

However, parents often struggle to find the right activities, games, lessons, and audio-visual elements that can stimulate their child’s passion for the pivotal subject. If you’ve been struggling to get started, we’ve put together a guide to make the process easier. Here’s a closer look at three activities that will help your child develop a healthy, active, and keen interest in all-things-science. Years 12 & 13 Online – Cambridge Home School. Ages 17-19 Cambridge A Levels are the gold standard in advanced level school age education.

Years 12 & 13 Online – Cambridge Home School

Accepted and cherished in most countries around the globe, A levels unlock University education to millions of ambitious students who will power the economies of the future. The Admissions Process – Cambridge Home School. Our school is full – Now accepting Applications for Sept. 2021 There are no available school places so parents are advised to register their child and join our waiting list. Parents who are wishing to join the school urgently should complete an enhanced application – see below.

What Are the Requirements for Homeschooling Your Child? As one of the most effective, convenient, safe, and retentive ways of learning, online education is increasingly becoming the go-to in the UK. At Cambridge Home School, we’re committed to helping your child receive a quality education and develop valuable skills for their future. – Cambridge Home School. Ages 14 – 16 At his stage much of the foundation work has been put into place and pupils are stepping sure-footed into the pressurised environment of the examination subjects – International GCSEs.

Students are able to choose which subjects they want to study at greater depth. Typically, students can only study A Levels in subjects that they have already studied at International GCSE level. Cambridge Home School.