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Raspberry Pi

Facebook Twitter Special - Intro to Raspberry Pi Parts 1-3. RPI as Network enabled I2C gateway aka. Daft Punk helmet. I want to drive Rainbowduino v3 boards from my PixelController software.

RPI as Network enabled I2C gateway aka. Daft Punk helmet

PixelController sends data via ethernet to the Raspberry Pi, the Raspberry Pi then sends out the recieved data via I2C bus. Make sure read my blog post how to setup I2C on the RPI (and connect both devices). So I wrote a Netty based Java application using Pi4J which does exactly this. The UDP2I2C source is published on GitHub: My application receive UDP data in the (german forum) format, converts the 24bpp data to 12bpp and sends out the data on the I2C bus to a Rainbowduino v3. BrickPi: LEGO® Bricks with a Raspberry Pi Brain by Dexter Industries. Risks and challenges So what are the risks, and how will we manage them?

BrickPi: LEGO® Bricks with a Raspberry Pi Brain by Dexter Industries

There are real risks. Our goal is to bring the BrickPi to life and have it manufactured. As far as manufacturing goes, there are no "open issues" to solve; our hardware design is in place and has been tested succesfully. As with all manufacturing, there's the chance that a hiccup occurs during the process. There are risks to fulfillment: once we have the parts manufactured and tested, we have to somehow ship them to you. Finally, one of the goals of the project is to bring the BrickPi to the Scratch programming language. It should be noted that we already have functional Python examples up on our website and Github. Shipping and fulfillment will NOT be delayed by the programming projects. TeenyRaspPiBot with added Missile Launcher. Using Scratch controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO Remotely. This information is largely superceded by the SID post but is still useful for experimentation One thing that I’d completely forgotten about is that the Scratch GPIO handler program can be run with a parameter of an LAN IP address.

Using Scratch controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO Remotely

What this means is that you can run Scratch on your desktop of your PC/Mac/Linux machine or even another Raspberry Pi and write you code on that and get it to control the GPIO pins on your Raspberry PI remotely. These instructions are not for beginners basicaly run a LX terminal session on your RPi sudo python simplesi_scratch_handler/ (replace with your main computer IP address) HOT Raspberry Pi DIY Mini Desktop PC Build. We recently set out to design a mini desktop computer with the wildly popular Raspberry Pi single board computer.

HOT Raspberry Pi DIY Mini Desktop PC Build

The Raspberry Pi is a Linux-driven, ARM processor-based micro computer that is known for its low cost and small size. People use the device for a variety of projects, from micro-servers to low cost media players. Basically, our goal was to turn what is currently one of the cheapest bare-bones computer boards into a fully enclosed mini desktop computer that could be taken anywhere without the need for cabling or setup. One of the high level goals of this project was also to learn about programming with Linux and get a good feel for it with the Debian distribution.

Raspberry Pi Model B Rev 2.0 with 512MB of RAM and 10/100 Ethernet The Raspberry Pi desktop was an easy project to imagine, but keeping cost to a minimum and educating ourselves on the technology ended up being more time consuming than we initially projected. Supply List: Programming microcontrollers with a Raspi. Using a RaspberryPi and Pebble Watch to control your home theater -

This post will serve as a guide to using a RaspberryPi, a Pebble Watch, and an Android phone (Google Nexus 4) to control your home theater from your wrist.

Using a RaspberryPi and Pebble Watch to control your home theater -

The result is something like this: Introduction For a bit of backstory, around eighteen months ago I decided to start experimenting with and teaching myself electronics. Raspi Internet radio with Google Music. Blogs - Springwatch - Raspberry Pi bird box. Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi. Python Flashcards » Python is not a bad language to learn how to program a computer, but it’s syntax and layout rules are a bit different from other languages.

Python Flashcards »

In the early days, kids in a club will keep asking for regular help decoding what that “SyntaxError” message means. Raspberry Pi turned into a portable gaming console by The Ben Heck Show. Amazing Raspberry Pi Projects – Part 1. As portable computing goes, the Raspberry Pi could hardly be bettered.

Amazing Raspberry Pi Projects – Part 1

Small enough to slip inside a pocket, it can go anywhere and everywhere with you. Yet to use the Pi as a standard Linux machine kind of misses the point – or, at the very least, the opportunities afforded by this small-form-factor, high-spec wonder. Over the past year, this inexpensive machine, produced as an educational plaything, has taken centre stage for a whole host of projects. Some have satisfied a craving for fun; others for exploration and indulgence. More still have satisfied the current trend for performing real-world tasks at the lowest possible price. Here we present ten of those projects. Over the next few pages, the creators of these projects talk us through their projects. Why Geeks Built A Raspberry Pi Cloud Out Of Lego. There are lots of fun things you can do with those lovely bite-size Raspberry-Pi machines.

Why Geeks Built A Raspberry Pi Cloud Out Of Lego

You can program games, create a time-lapse photography system, or even use them as base stations for mobile networks. A First Slice of Raspberry Pi. The Ben Heck Show. Raspberry-pi-gpio-cheat-sheet.jpg (831×700) Add a 9-pin Serial Port to your Raspberry Pi in 10 Minutes. Here’s how to add a 9-pin serial port to your Raspberry Pi, and it’ll only take you 10 mins.

Add a 9-pin Serial Port to your Raspberry Pi in 10 Minutes

Well, maybe a couple of weeks to wait for the part to arrive from Hong Kong, but once it arrives, it’s only 10 minutes! Here’s the part you’ll need. It’s an RS232 to TTL converter module containing a MAX3232 chip. The MAX3232 is important, as the older MAX232 won’t handle the 3.3v levels of the Pi, whereas the Max3232 will.

It comes with a 4-way cable for connecting the module to the GPIO of your Pi. Here’s another view, showing the bottom of the module, indicating the +5V, GND, Tx and Rx pins. Simply attach the cable to the module, and connect to the 5V, GND, UART Rx and UART Tx pins of the GPIO. And a closer view of the GPIO connections. Kano. Rapiro – the cutest robot you’ll ever meet, now on Kickstarter. A new Kickstarter was launched this morning: check out the video first, and then I’ll tell you about what we’ve seen first-hand of the project.

Rapiro – the cutest robot you’ll ever meet, now on Kickstarter

We met Shota Ishiwatari at the three-day Raspberry Jam in Tokyo in May. He’s an established inventor of very, very cool stuff – you may have read about his Nekomimi cat ears, which were featured all over the internet when they came out last year. These ears have a 14-point electroencephalography sensor that presses against your forehead; they’re operated by your brainwaves, and lie flat, twitch or perk up in line with your emotions. Here’s a short video in case you’ve not seen them before: And here’s some British lady wearing a pair. Shota-san has real skill in getting that very special sort of Japanese cuteness (there’s even a word for it: かわいい, or kawaii) combined with tech.

And because the technology is Pi-based, Rapiro will, if it makes its Kickstarter goals, be much less expensive than currently available equivalents. Pi Fidelity: PiFi Mini - The ultimate Raspberry Pi boombox. This post is about a project I've spent a considerable amount of time on, my goal was to not only create something that I would want to use but also to document my progress and share the whole design with others that would like to make their own. So what is the PiFi Mini? It's a feature rich "smart radio", it can play files from a thumbdrive, stream internet radio, and play songs from your iOS device via Airplay all while being controlled by a smartphone or web browser.

I've decided to differentiate this particular version by calling it Mini because down the road I may also make a version that is meant to be fixed and stay in your entertainment centre. You can check out the manual I made here. Why did I create this? Features (Core) Tutorial Part 1: Everything but the LCDTutorial Part 2: Adding an LCD screen Or take the easy way out and download my pre-configured image (not available yet)