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If you're interested in finding some science experiments for kids you can do at home, then you've come to the right place! Conducting science experiments is a great way to have fun, as well as learn, with your kids. There's no better way for a child to learn than by seeing and doing things in the real world. That's why these 8 fun science experiments for kids you can do at home are the perfect weekend activity! 1.

Elephant Toothpaste Pin itShareTweet Source: This idea is one of the science experiments for kids that would work great in a discussion about reactions. Instructions: 7 Fun Experiments to do with Your Kids Today ... 1. 2. 7 Gooey Science Experiments to do with Your Kid ... 3. 4. 9 Life Changing Travel Experiences That Can Define You ... 2. Pin itShareTweet Source: This is probably one of the simplest and easiest experiments to perform at home. Instructions: 2. 3. Pin itShareTweet Source: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. Edible Rock Cycle for Kids. Earth Structural Layer Cake. A little while ago, my sister approached me with an idea. She’s doing an education degree, and her and her friends had to give a series of lessons on the geological sciences to a class of primary school kids.

One of their lessons involved teaching the kids about the structure of the Earth. One of her friends came up with the idea of presenting a model of the Earth made out of cake. So my sister asked me if I could make a spherical cake with all the layers of the Earth inside it. I told her I couldn’t do it. I spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about it. There was a better way of doing this that I came up with, but I needed a set of hemisphere tins to pull it off. Plan B involved baking a cake inside a cake inside a cake. Looking pretty promising so far. There weren’t enough people to warrant a complete sphere, so we went with a hemisphere globe instead.

The rest was left up to marshmallow fondant. I added a little white and marbled it into the fondant to make some clouds. Like this: Rain Clouds in a Jar {Experiment} Here is an easy to set up Science experiment that the kids will love. We have made rain clouds in a jar a few times in the past, and the girls love this activity more each time we revisit it. Rain Clouds in a Jar Before making rain clouds in a jar discuss how it rains and what causes rain to form.

Review where rain comes from and the process of how rain clouds form. The girls and I Googled a few questions and discussed some of the information we found. Rain Clouds in a Jar Materials (affiliate links provided) For all the best kids activities follow Growing a Jeweled Rose on Pinterest and Facebook. Instructions Fill the jars or containers you are using 3/4 of the way with water and then top with shaving cream. In a bowl mix several drops of blue food coloring with a little bit of water. Have kids fill their pipettes or droppers with blue water and squeeze it onto their cloud Inserting the tip of the pipette into the cloud helped the cloud to fill. Simple and fun Science kids LOVE! How are Mountains Made? 12K+ Have your kids ever asked you “How are mountains made?” ? My oldest has asked before, although what she was calling a mountain at the time was really just a big hill but to her it was a mountain. I tried to explain to her about plate tectonics and convergent boundaries but well lets be honest she is only six and that is a lot for a six year old to understand.

So I thought why not show her with a fun science experiment that she could even eat at the end (my girls at totally motivated by yummy treats!). I got the idea for this experiment from my Sis who teaches Science in High School. She actually did this experiment with her students and said that they all really enjoyed it (and yes she let them eat it too after they were done). Even though this was an experiment she did with high schoolers I thought the concept was still at a level that my girls could understand. What is happening with this experiment? Supplies Graham Crackers (2 for each child) Whip Cream A Plate Bowl of water. DIY: How to Make an Edible Water "Bottle" or Bubble. 4th Grade Frolics: Howling at The Moon and Happy, Happy JOY!!! Ok, I'm not really howling at the moon....although, I could be because it is so EARLY right now and I don't know why I am up this early......and the moon is there so I could howl if I wanted to and.......... sorry, I'm rambling and have not had my much needed coffee yet........I DO know why I am up this early and will tell ya in a sec......................................first, the moon!

We have been working on the Earth and Sun and Moon and all that fun stuff this last week. Well we finally got to the moon phases!! Couldn't wait because I have been waiting forEVER to do this activity that I saw on Pinterest (of course!! I tried and tried to find the source to give credit but it only took me to Google) Anywho, there are lots of Oreo cookie moon phase activities....this one had a cupcake for the Earth. Awesome idea...........................WAY too much sugar for my cherubs! They had a messy blast! Great end of the day activity. Have a wonderful day everyone! Jello sky with fluffy clouds | the queen says: Fun with mason jars, part 1 of ? I bought a case of these jars. i’m going to challenge myself to see how many things i can make/put in them this summer. i hereby dub this summer “the summer of the canning jars.” today’s offering: jello sky. the jello was an idea i saw on pinterest. it’s incredibly easy and doesn’t take much time at all. i used homemade whipped cream for mine. 1/2 pint of whipping cream in the mixer, and when it started to thicken, i added 1/8c white sugar and beat it until it was very stiff. when it was ready, i put it in the fridge while i prepped the jello. 1 c boiling water over 1 box of blue jello. mix til dissolved. add 1c (ish) icecubes and stir stir stir. after about 5 minutes, it will start to thicken. i didn’t think it was quite thick enough at that point, so i put the bowl in the fridge for about 20 minutes. when it is firm enough to still be a little liquidy but tight enough to hold a little shape, it’s ready.

If you're looking for a mess-free activity for kids that's quick to set up, ice volcanoes are probably not for you. BUT if you're looking for some fun, messy science that your kids will LOVE, this activity is a good one. All you need for this play recipe is baking soda, water, vinegar, and food coloring. The supplies you need for making ice volcanoes are small bowls, balls that will sink, plastic wrap, and some room in the freezer. Bolstered by the success of his frozen s'mores, my husband came up with another idea for the kids: ice volcanoes. I guess he now considers himself more of an idea man, because the actual planning and executing were up to me. I started with small bowls and placed a golf ball in the bottom of each.

Next I filled the bowls with a mixture of water and baking soda. Once they were frozen, I let them thaw a little, pulled the plastic wrap off and pried out the golf ball. A squirt of vinegar ... and watch them erupt. Some volcano books you might like: For this project you will need the following: Ice cube tray oil (any oil…I used vegetable oil, baby oil would work well too) water Food coloring or liquid water colors Jar Last year I did a project with the kids called color explosion using food coloring oil and water.

I thought it would be fun to revisit it changing it just a little bit. The outcome was fantastic! This project was a lot of fun it was very cool to see how the ice melted down and to watch the droplets of color at the bottom of the jar. Mikey loved perdicting which color would melt next We talked about why the ice water would melt and fall down and about the density of water and oil. The beautiful colors were mesmerizing it was really a very pretty project as well as being educational This was a lot of fun and we will definitely be doing this project again. I love kitchen Science! Have you tried a project like this? My boys love art, and we typically do some sort of art project every single day.

Some days it's as simple as pulling out the tempura paint, and other days it is more involved. My older two kids love projects that cause a reaction. My six year old especially loves to watch and learn how things work. He has the mind of a scientist. He is extremely observant and detail oriented. For more ways to combine art and science follow me on Pinterest. Educational Insights Drill & Design Socket To Me Game Giveaway Ends June 29th Would you like to advertise on Familylicious, Please email me for my current rates. debra92691 @ gmail . com By debra92691 Wednesday, March 14th, 2012 We took dry ice and made bubbles. It was super easy all you need is Dry Ice, an empty container with a tight fitting lid, a tube, a funnel, duct tape, bubble solution and a container to put it in.

And you can make these amazing bubbles You just put the funnel in the bubble solution and all the gas from the dry ice creates smoke filled bubbles When you pop them the smoke lingers it is pretty awesome Catching a Bubble popping the Bubble isn’t that fantastic. The funnel made huge bubbles Pop! Smaller bubbles The contraption Add hot water fast and close quickly This was one of my favorite projects ever. Use any of my INCREDIBLE BUBBLE RECIPES you can find HERE to make the AMAZING ALIEN BUBBLES in this post. Categories : bubbles, outdoors, Outside Play, Science, Sensory Play Kaia. One of the most amazing highlights of my trip to Dubai was the opportunity to fly in a hot air balloon with Balloon Adventures Emirates. It was incredible! The hot air balloon ride is the inspiration behind The Hot Air, Cold Air Science Activity.

There is so much science behind the idea of hot air balloons and I thought that sharing the photos with my children of the balloon ride would be a great opportunity to extend this learning into a science activity. This Hot Air, Cold Air Science Activity is a great experiment to watch the effects of hot air and cold air on a balloon. This activity is a great opportunity for kids to talk about what they can see and why it is happening.

Kids will absolutely love this activity and will see, first hand, what effects hot and cold air has on a balloon. What you will need? You will need two containers, one filled with hot tap water and the other with ice and cold water. Please do not use boiling hot water for this activity. Let’s Play Let’s Learn. {For all the best kids activities follow Growing a Jeweled Rose on Pinterest and Facebook} Science is so fun, and there are so many COOL experiments kids can do outside in the Summer. Here are over 30 must try Summer Science activities that will surely wow the kids, and all while keeping them engaged in learning. Summer Science Activities Summer Science Fun for Kids You May Also Like: We share fun kids activities several times a week!

Stay Connected to the fun. Indoor Garden - Stimulating Learning | Stimulating Learning. We’ve enjoyed lots of garden-related activities this week. Here are a few of them… Trees on the Lightbox Twigs, glass nuggets & (laminated) skeleton leaves were used to create trees, gardens & patterns. They looked so beautiful on the lightbox, especially when the area was ‘darkened’… Garden Maths My homemade glass nugget & wooden bees & also my ladybirds were placed in the area along with numbered flowers & cups to encourage numeral recognition, counting, pattern making & sorting… Flowers on the Discovery Table We’ve put some white Carnations in coloured water to see what will happen.

At the end of the week, last week, one of the girls brought in a gemstone to show me & I promised her I would bring in some from home. Twigs on the Finger Gym Twigs & wool – lots of fine motor fun here as the children wrapped the wool around the twigs. Dough Gardens Coloured, scented dough, ladybirds, flower beads, plants & corks were provided for the children to create a garden (or whatever else they wished)… We love doing science experiments. When it is warm, it is a good idea to move science experiments outside. Today we share ideas of cool backyard science experiments for kids.

Some use materials you can find in your backyard, some you want to do outside to avoid the mess inside your house. All are easy and fun for kids. Enjoy. Create Mentos Geysers, both you and your kids will be amazed. Make prediction on Sink or Float Rain in a Bag is a fun way to watch the water cycle and learn about the formation of rain. Make a rainbow to learn the science of light. Make elephant toothpaste. Start homemade compost pile to learn about recycling. Make a backyard water wheel to learn water force and natural power resource. Squirt gun volcano is a fun twist of the baking soda and vinegar experiment, but a fun way to do this outdoor.

Kids seem all love dramatic effects. Who doesn’t like bouncy balls? How about some home made giant bubbles? Do you have suggestions of cool backyard science experiments for kids? My little man LOVES Dinosaurs, so I thought this was a super fun way to get his inner Archeologist juices flowing : ) It’s so easy to prepare and very inexpensive to make too! I found this idea via Pinterest – there are plenty of versions, but I loved the photographs over at A Nest For All Seasons!

You can make these over and over again and the kids will delight EVERY single time! To make your own you will need: Balloons (the larger sized ones work best – we used 30cm rounds) Small Plastic Dinosaur Toys Water Food dye (optional) Hammer Safety goggles Step 1 Take your toy Dinosaurs and insert them into the balloons…at first this will seem difficult, but once you get onto the second one it’s very easy!

Step 2 Take your Dino-stuffed balloon and fill it with water! You can also add a few drops of food colouring at this point for extra effect! Step 3 Transport your future frozen fossils (or FFF’s as we call them in the business ; ) to the freezer and let them freeze over night. Step 4 Don’t they look cool! Corncob Popcorn Experiment.