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Anglais - Didapages

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Voc1 : colours and numbers. Vocabulary 2 : The body. Vocabulary 3 : CLOTHES. Voc 5 : food and drink. Voc 6 : at school. Vocabulary 7 : Animals. Voc 8 : Weather and seasons. Vocabulary 9 : Days and months. Voc 10 : activities. Voc 11 Jobs. Vocabulary 12 (sports) Evaluations - Anglais Fin de CM2. Grammar. Grammar.


Pronunciation 1. Pronunciation 2. Parler en continu en anglais. Listen to my english ! Listen to my English - volume 2. Listen to my English - volume 3. Listen to my English - volume 4. Imagier sonore. Activités de compréhension et de production d'écrits.